Futanari Palace
Crawling out of the lurker shell. - Printable Version

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Crawling out of the lurker shell. - Failmaster - 24th November 2012

As I said in the title, been lurking here for a long while now. Two years and some change, actually. And I just sort've decided to finally crawl out of lurkerdom and maybe finally do something. Why? I'unno. :I And now, this.

"Who Are You?"
"Where are you from?"
"What's up with that nick of yours?"
"What do you like about futanari?"
"What got you interested in the first place?"
"What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
"Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"
"What sections are you most excited about exploring?" (Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?)
"What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
"Anything else you might like to add?"
"Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
"Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
"Last words before we pass final judgment?

  1. I'm just sort've no one, really. Most have taken to calling me Fail, shortening the alias I often use.
  2. From the United States, specifically Florida, born and raised.
  3. There's actually a story behind it that originates in my RPing history. I once had a character who was so statistically bad at everything, he would constantly screw up and fail horridly. As the RPer, that was passed on to me, as the 'master' of him, if you will, and well, that explains that I think. Since then it's stuck with me.
  4. I honestly...can't really say. I stumbled upon it one day and was just....enraptured? I guess. It just appeals to me a great deal on some level I can't articulate.
  5. I can't even really remember, aside from the initial stumbling across it by accident.
  6. I don't really have any specific 'favorites', honestly.
  7. I have indeed read them over. No specific questions to mention, all seems fairly self-explanatory.
  8. Haha, oh my....there's several I've been exploring and lurking about. I may (eventually) contribute something or venture into roleplaying or some such....but that remains to be seen. I predict I will mostly be lurking and occasionally having the off chat with some people who I am sure are all amazing.
  9. Probably sound like a broken record, but I honestly can't recall how I first came about this place. I believe it was completely unintentional via link-hopping, but I honestly don't know.
  10. No, nothing I can think of.
  11. Well lessee. I tend to read -- in vast quantity and very quickly -- quite a bit. Play a lot of video games and such, and I tend to laze about thinking of random ideas and things that might be interesting but will never happen. There's the intermittent bits of writing and such, largely epic fantasy and occasionally humor and light fantasy. And of course the activity which takes up the MOST of my time, a combination of running about on roleplaying boards and youtube.
  12. Several different sites for RP, mostly. Nothing else worth mentioning.
  13. Well, uh....this place was amazing enough to have me stick around and lurk for two years and finally come out of my shell, so that should say something for it in my personal books I guess, if that accounts for anything.

Crawling out of the lurker shell. - The Guardian - 24th November 2012


Crawling out of the lurker shell. - AstroForce - 24th November 2012

Greetings and Welcome

Crawling out of the lurker shell. - Bishiebunny - 30th November 2012

Always appreciate it when a lurker decides to give active participation a go, especially if they take the time to fill out our little form. I also appreciate anyone capable of elevating fumbles into an art form, or even a sort of stumble-fu. Shades of Mihoshi, without quite the jiggle or bounce inherent to the character.

Welcome, officially, to the forums.

Crawling out of the lurker shell. - ShanaTheIV - 30th November 2012

Nice to meet you! Judging by your post, would you happen to be from Elliquiy by any chance?

Crawling out of the lurker shell. - KitsuneMimi - 30th November 2012

I'm surprised we have so many ex-lurkers popping up. FP is too appealing not to participate in! I'm loving it so far myself!

Also, is Guardian ever going to come up with a more creative greeting than that? :24:

Oh, and yeah, welcome!