Futanari Palace
Yet Another New person! - Printable Version

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Yet Another New person! - BlueChocobo - 17th May 2012

So.....How are you all doing? I'm a tad bit nervous to be honest but that's ok. I'll get over it soon. So I kinda took the list of suggestions and will gist run with it.

1."Who Are You?"
2."Where are you from?"
3."What's up with that nick of yours?"
4."What do you like about futanari?"
5."What got you interested in the first place?"
6."What are your favorite kinks/pairings?"
7."Have you read over our Rules and Do Not Post (DNP) List? Do you have any questions?"
8."What sections are you most excited about exploring?" (Are you interested in finding Images and Doujinshi? Interested in trying some roleplaying? Sharing your own art or stories? Or just hanging out and chatting with fellow futa fans?)
9."What brought you to our forums/How did you hear about us?"
10."Anything else you might like to add?"
11."Hobbies that don't involve a fondness for girlcock?"
12."Other online communities you happen to be a part of?"
13."Last words before we pass final judgment?"

1. I'm someone who has been in kinda denial about my futa likings. I go usually by my username or Orion, since that was my name on a lot of sights for quite a while. I ended up not choosing that for here though. Pretty sure there would be an Orion.
2. I'm from a little tiny town in the USA. Not a whole lot here honestly.....We got....maybe a bar, a grocery store, and a bank. And that's about it.
3. I'm a final fantasy fan. Always have been, and the name spawned from my favorite color and love of chocobos. That there are actually Blue Chocobos only make it better.
4. Quite honestly, the mere thought of the possibilities that futanari has. Its like a giant iceberg I'm just scratching the surface of it.
5. I came across it once when looking for something to fap to....the rest as they say, is history.
6. Well.....that honestly depends on my day. Some days I want futa/women other I want futa/men.....Its a day by day basis.
7. Have read the rules and DNP. I'll just have to be on my guard and be careful about my posts to make sure I don't break a DNP.
8. Quite honestly.....everything. If I ever stop going active I'm only sleeping off my latest fap session. No biggie.
9. I came across it actually when looking for futanari. Kinda a pleasant surprise.
10. Uh......not really I suppose.
11. Well....um....when I do manage to get to the sunlight, I do like reading, video games, and cooking. Lots of outdoor things amuse and entertain me easily.
12. None of real value honestly. Tis sad....
13. I would give a passionate speech here about being nice to my poor mind, body, and soul but I suck at speeches so no.

Yet Another New person! - Dave1 - 17th May 2012

Oh, I didn't know you were new o.o Welcome! I'm sure you will get along just fine, already fitting in well on the irc xD

Yet Another New person! - Yomi - 17th May 2012

Welcome welcome, enjoy your stay ^.^

Yet Another New person! - GlennGarth - 17th May 2012

Welcome to the Palace, and not to worry, giving passionate speeches is easy to learn!

You just need to shout really loud about CONFIDENCE and BEING A BRO! And then people assume you know what you're talking about. I've practically perfected the craft, myself.

Yet Another New person! - BlueChocobo - 17th May 2012

Thank you Dave1.

And you too Yomi...its good to be here.

Glenn I think that'd be the problem....I can't just ooze confidence quite yet.....I'll figure that out eventually :3

Yet Another New person! - GlennGarth - 17th May 2012

BlueChocobo Wrote:Thank you Dave1.

And you too Yomi...its good to be here.

Glenn I think that'd be the problem....I can't just ooze confidence quite yet.....I'll figure that out eventually :3

It just takes practice! Be a good guy and it comes naturally!

Yet Another New person! - andromeda - 18th May 2012

*waves* Hi there! My advice is listen to Glenn, he knows what he's talking about. And he might just let you smell his cape. Well, not that he ever let me, personally, smell his cape, per se, but I think I caught a whiff of it when he took off the other day. I like to think it was intentional.

Erm aaaanyway, Welcome!

Yet Another New person! - The Guardian - 21st May 2012


Yet Another New person! - Olivria Noel - 26th May 2012

Welcome, welcome. I'm trying to focus on an introduction, yet all I can hear, dancing in my head, is the chocobo theme. ...welcome and enjoy your stay. Bawk. =3