Futanari Palace
new to the site, but a little experanced - Printable Version

+- Futanari Palace (https://www.futanaripalace.com)
+-- Forum: Palace Reception (https://www.futanaripalace.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=3)
+--- Forum: Introductions Area (https://www.futanaripalace.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=16)
+--- Thread: new to the site, but a little experanced (/showthread.php?tid=28489)

new to the site, but a little experanced - sissyboyjoe - 22nd January 2012

hi there, its a pleasure to meet you all. i hung around the irc for a while and meet some interesting people, and I am supper excited to do some rping. i am a big fan of futas, crossdressers, and sissy boys (considering i want to be one). so far its been fun, now to the rp forums ^^

new to the site, but a little experanced - DragonianDeity - 22nd January 2012

Welcome to the actual forum then Joe. We got everything you could want here, so enjoy yourself here. Any questions, just feel free to ask!

new to the site, but a little experanced - The Guardian - 22nd January 2012


new to the site, but a little experanced - Bishiebunny - 23rd January 2012

Haven't been to the IRC in ages (or the forums, actually,[SIZE=2]) but if memory serves, it's a great place full of friendly people. You'll find the same sort of atmosphere here... along with many friends you know.

Welcome to the forums.

new to the site, but a little experanced - Olivria Noel - 25th January 2012

I remember the days of IRC. Long walks along the channel code, relaxing in the user list, chatting casually to letters on my screen. Good times.

Welcome to the palace itself, Joe~