Futanari Palace
Hello hey hi - Printable Version

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Hello hey hi - Noodlebot - 20th January 2012

Hi hey!
I'd already made an account here long ago but I kinda forgot the username AND password because I am a genius.
Of course that doesn't matter cause I only made like 3 posts ever.

Uh some facts about me I guess, in no particular order:
- I enjoy making things, such as art, animations, games, clothes, hideous avatars
- I enjoy destroying things as well
- I also enjoy enjoying things
- I'm not actually a robot OR a noodle
- I enjoy dongs on ladies, and would gladly pay upwards of $50 for a dong of my own
- My family migrated to Australia when I was young, possibly to torture me
- My greatest enemy is high shelves
- I'm also not actually a jellyfish

I will likely lurk around and post stupid words, and perhaps occasionally a project which I will quickly abandon. Hi, how are you

Hello hey hi - DragonianDeity - 20th January 2012

Wow, quite the introduction there. So wait, you AREN't a jellyfish!?! Damn, I was hoping to fulfill one of my fant ..... I mean, that's good to hear. Glad to have you "back". And Australia's not too bad I think. cmacleod's from there and he doesn't say anything bad about it (then again, I never asked him about AU, so...) Anyways, good to see you back and hope to see some fun posts from you around!

Hello hey hi - vella - 20th January 2012

Hi, Noodlebot!

If you made that avatar, good work! The more I look at it, the more it makes me chuckle. It's wonderful!


Hello hey hi - The Guardian - 20th January 2012


Hello hey hi - Noodlebot - 21st January 2012

Thanks all

Yeah, I had to whip the avatar up in MS Paint because cute jellyfish avatars apparently don't exist.

Hello hey hi - Malocula - 22nd January 2012

Hello. I luv tentacles!

Hello hey hi - 0kami003 - 22nd January 2012

Hello, Noodle! Welcome!

Australia's a dangerous and wild place, but the people are quite fun! Maybe you'll further develop your sense of adventure down under! And yay for tentacles! They might not quite be dongs, but quantity is a good trait in itself! If you're interested in having a dong of your own, don't worry! You're sure to get one real soon! It'll likely come with a guy attached, but it's a typical package deal! :p

Have fun here! Wink

Hello hey hi - andromeda - 23rd January 2012

Hi there! *smiles and waves*

Hello hey hi - Bishiebunny - 23rd January 2012

I seem to recall hearing that most of the deaths due to spiders had less to do with venom, and more to do with startled drivers flipping out and crashing their vehicles after an eight legged friend falls innocently into their lap. So buckle your seat belt, adjust your mirrors, and then check your sun visors. This helpful driving tip brought to you by your friendly neighborhood bun bun.

Also, welcome to the forums. Here's hoping you share some of that creativity with us.

Hello hey hi - Olivria Noel - 25th January 2012

That avatar is delightfully cute, I see no awful in it. MS paint for the unmitigated win. Welcome. ^^