Futanari Palace
What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Printable Version

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What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Rein The Wolf - 21st October 2011

Hi there. I joined a few days ago (or was it last night? Time gets away from me) and finally felt like posting. Having not written much for awhile I'm pretty rusty with introductions and what not so I'll just use the suggested questions in the sticky.

  1. My name is Rein. Well not really but thats what you can call me
  2. I'm from Kansas City, Kansas (thats the rectangle state with the bite taken out of the corner. Its right in the center of the USA. You can't miss it)
  3. I scratched off something on my nose once and now theres a chunk missing
  4. I enjoy the pure sexiness of futanari first of all. Also its quite cosmic to think of a being that is both male and female. Best of both worlds right?
  5. It all started with strap ons then escalated quickly.
  6. Favorite pairings are futa/female futa/futa and futa/male. Also have a small love of incest. Don't judge me =)
  7. Of course I have read the rules
  8. I MIGHT be poking around the roleplaying. But I havent in awhile so don't hold your breath. Really I just want to talk to people and have fun.
  9. I needed a place to connect with fellow futa fans.
  10. I'm super easy going and loving. Your typical hippie.
  11. I'm a music fanatic. I play the drums. My favorite genre is classic rock and my favorite band is Led Zeppelin
  12. I have roleplayed around a few sites and was a member of the longest running roleplay in the Runescape forums history.
  13. Last words: All you need is love
Feel free to PM me all you want. I love PMs

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Kagrin Dragoon - 21st October 2011

Nice to meet you, Rein.

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Astraea - 21st October 2011

Welcome ^w^

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - TaoFuta - 21st October 2011

Hiya Rein! Nice introduction dear, based on what you've told us I think you will find all sorts of interesting and fun stuffus to keep you occupied here at the Palace.

We LOVES our RP around these parts, hope you decide to jump in and play with us! (BTW, we do have a tendency to get rather naughty in the RPs, but there are some more vanilla ones as well, and if you don't find one to your liking please feel free to kick off an idea or two of your own honey!)

*sunshine smiles*
-Miss Tao:149:

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Rein The Wolf - 21st October 2011

Thanks for the welcomes. Haha Tao a little naughtiness doesn't scare me. My libido is known to be off the charts as my girlfriend knows all too well =P

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Bishiebunny - 22nd October 2011

Quote: Of course I have read the rules.
I wish it was something we could just assume. When we were working up that little sticky, making sure it had a reminder like that was a pretty high priority. Given the number of "I violated the DNP? What's that?" discussions we have, it wasn't something we wanted to leave to chance. Of course, plenty of people miss the sticky too, so there you go. Best laid plans of Barons and bun buns.

At any rate, it's a nice write up and we hope you enjoy yourself here. Welcome to the forums ^^

What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - The Guardian - 23rd October 2011


What a long strange trip its been - Rein says hello - Olivria Noel - 23rd October 2011

Good morning to you. 'Yawn, wave' Have a fantabusome time here~