Futanari Palace
HI i want to know what you think. - Printable Version

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HI i want to know what you think. - candy8teen futanaridoll - 16th October 2011

I own candy8teen I make sex dolls. I have found that in the sex dolls business there are not any anima dolls that look like what I would like to make. in the last week of so I have found some futanari sights and found that there are more people out there that sem to like the same things I do.

Here is a photo of the concept doll I am thinking of making, She would have a dick, and anal opening in the back. and a pussy opening in the front.
I will add this photo to the candy8teen sight http://www.candy8teen.com it will be in the on the blog page. Please do make a comment here on this forum.

Please do let me know what you think.
[Image: horse%20and%20nude%20girl_0.jpg]

HI i want to know what you think. - The Guardian - 16th October 2011


HI i want to know what you think. - candy8teen futanaridoll - 16th October 2011

@ The Guardian Thanks. This is a great forum I am happy I found it.

HI i want to know what you think. - Love Doll Mariska - 16th October 2011

Welcome to the Palace! I hope you find the feedback you need.

HI i want to know what you think. - Goddess Futanari - 16th October 2011

Welcome ^^. About your doll.. I find it very interesting. I myself am not a huge fan of, but the idea sounds good. I bet in time you will get a lot of feedback. I would buy the doll myself if I saw it though by my "NO WAY!! Must have!" type reaction xD

HI i want to know what you think. - vella - 16th October 2011

Welcome to FP! I think the idea is very interesting but being a starving artist-type, I wouldn;t be able to afford your products. But I think it's a good idea for you to do as much research as you can before expanding your product line.

Any business is a risky venture and I hope yours works out for you. Hats off to you for your courage!

HI i want to know what you think. - thokamous - 16th October 2011

well i for one am interested in this welcome

HI i want to know what you think. - Akaran - 16th October 2011

Welcome , honey!

HI i want to know what you think. - Futanari Furry - 16th October 2011

Interesting concept I for one applaud the idea and look forward to blueprints. As we are people of fun fetish you should think about skin color ideas that aren't ordinary, such as reptilian or furry.

HI i want to know what you think. - candy8teen futanaridoll - 17th October 2011

Thank you all for the welcome and the idea's :8: