Futanari Palace
Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Printable Version

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Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - GaNgStA SeXy - 10th September 2011

H-Hello guys and girls ^^ its me. So i uh don't rather know what to say so just some details about myself i guess.

Age:... don't wanna say
Loves(Fetish..): Futanaris,others not going to say

Bio: I was born sorta Unlike the others in my school. I've always been..... a rather Italian looking Latin i guess you could describe. I have been loving futanari sense the age of 13(yea like 6 years ha-ha.) I love teddy bears because my room is full of them(Avalanche of teddy bears writing this). I have some unusual and sadly unhealthy habits... I'm one of the nicest girls in my area. I baby sit on top of working as a manager at Walmart (sadly yes i do go on here while babysitting 3-10yr olds). All the people round here love me for being me not some arrogant little annoying 6yr old acting girl. I am also rather fond of my hermaphrodite friend.


Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Gilgamesh - 10th September 2011

...why so tight lipped about your kinks? Chances are...well, 100% chance I'm probably into weirder stuff than you (Although I've been here for a long time.) Besides, it's a porn forum, knowing someone's kinks is like knowing someone's last name. No one here will judge. ...maybe make a few jokes, but it's all good fun.

In any case, welcome

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - vella - 10th September 2011

Welcome to FP, Casey (or do you prefer warhero?)

Either way, welcome!

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Olivria Noel - 10th September 2011

I'm new too. You sound hard-working and well-liked. Don't be shy of that.

Welcome. ^^

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - GaNgStA SeXy - 10th September 2011

o-oh wow... Ago tibi gratias( Means thank you in latin, Yes i know latin is dead but i still love it and also >> i speek latin so dont think i dont know it ) Uhhmm o//o im hardworking yet none of my coworkers care and my fetishes are sort've secretive.... cuz i really dont have many o////o plus im just a virgin so honestly i dont know ^///^

And casey is fine

and porn forum o_O like i could post myself as my profile pic and no warns framents no bans no nothing?

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Olivria Noel - 10th September 2011

(Latin lives on in it's descendent words, don't worry about using it~)

Well, on your points, I know I'm new, but are you sure? I know it sounds hypocrtical but do you really want this place to be where you share those sort of things? If you do get someone you want to be with, are you sure you'd want yourself to be put across a, indeed, porn forum? Again, I know that sounds dumb but you need to confirm the rules I know, but you also have to work out what it is you really want and whether you think it will have any effects you will dislike in the future.

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - GaNgStA SeXy - 10th September 2011

OlivriaNoel Wrote:(Latin lives on in it's descendent words, don't worry about using it~)

Well, on your points, I know I'm new, but are you sure? I know it sounds hypocrtical but do you really want this place to be where you share those sort of things? If you do get someone you want to be with, are you sure you'd want yourself to be put across a, indeed, porn forum? Again, I know that sounds dumb but you need to confirm the rules I know, but you also have to work out what it is you really want and whether you think it will have any effects you will dislike in the future.

so i can't pt myself as my profile pic thats what your saying....
and honestly im at work remote connect to my laptop at home with teamveiwer sooo.......

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Olivria Noel - 10th September 2011

I don't know if you can, you'd have to check the rules. I wasn't suggesting you couldn't and I have no qualms if you want to. But make sure it's a decision you want to make whole heartedly. Sorry if I came of as preachy. ^^~

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - GaNgStA SeXy - 10th September 2011

OlivriaNoel Wrote:I don't know if you can, you'd have to check the rules. I wasn't suggesting you couldn't and I have no qualms if you want to. But make sure it's a decision you want to make whole heartedly. Sorry if I came of as preachy. ^^~
trust me you didn't being aithest i get preached to a lot >> now i must get back to GFX work

Salvete (Latin for Hello!) - Olivria Noel - 10th September 2011

Good luck. What GFX you working on? Or should I be taking this to your vistors page?