Futanari Palace
Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Printable Version

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RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 28th March 2021

(28th March 2021, 02:51)Keahi19 Wrote: Now PM"s are acting up for me.


Is anyone else having PM issues?

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - MadamNeptune - 29th March 2021

I'm having similar issues on the PM having an SQL error.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 29th March 2021

(29th March 2021, 00:40)MadamNeptune Wrote: I'm having similar issues on the PM having an SQL error.

Both issues are now being researched by the Staff.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Beau - 29th March 2021

I am also getting the SQL error when sending PM. Happens for both new messages and replies.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Dahlmordyth - 30th March 2021

Getting an SQL error message every time I try to reply to a private message

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Echoen - 30th March 2021

The PM SQL issue has been resolved. Kudos to our technical team!!

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Kayren - 31st March 2021

Oh my, had been a couple of days since I was able to connect T.T

Thanks tech team! Glad to be back ^^

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dragontamer8740 - 7th April 2021

Changing themes with the 'quick theme select' combo box in the bottom right corner of pages doesn't work to change the actual theme.

No big hurry, and it's really not that much of a problem… I wrote a user script to force my own custom "dark" theme over it, since the default is kind of dazzling to my eyes. But it is a bug I think, since there are several options and none of them work differently than the default.

if there's somewhere that would be good to post my CSS (or my complete script which basically just injects the CSS into the page), I'd be happy to do so, btw.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - gregoiro - 7th April 2021

I posted a reply in the forum, and in the index it shows the thread as updated by me, but when I go to thread it is not there, and if i click in the direct link to my post it takes me to the start of the thread

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 8th April 2021

(7th April 2021, 23:41)gregoiro Wrote: I posted a reply in the forum, and in the index it shows the thread as updated by me, but when I go to thread  it is not there, and if i click in the direct link to my post it takes me to the start of the thread

Known issue.