Futanari Palace
Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Printable Version

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RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 15th January 2021

(15th January 2021, 00:51)superior62 Wrote: I have been noticing that the images that are importing aren't accessible. They show up on the various forums as a small, faint grey square icon in the 'Attached files' box at the bottom of a post, and under 'Manage Attachments' on my User Control Panel, it lists all the various attachments and their sizes for my thread that have been imported so far, but if you click on one it opens a window that says, "The specified attachment does not exist". Is this because all of the image isn't truly imported yet before they show they are or are they not importing correctly? Just though you should know.

Known issue. I informed the rest of the staff of this earlier today when I observed it myself. It will be addressed when the import is completed.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - groger2712 - 25th January 2021

Hey everybody!

Since our forum updated I can`t see any images accept [ATTACH=CONFIG]...
I`m using google chrome on my android. I wrote a few letters about it but i`m not getting any attention. It`s only me who has such a problem?

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 25th January 2021

(25th January 2021, 11:07)groger2712 Wrote: Hey everybody!

Since our forum updated I can`t see any images accept [ATTACH=CONFIG]...
I`m using google chrome on my android. I wrote a few letters about it but i`m not getting any attention. It`s only me who has such a problem?

Known issue. Pending resolution

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - beans - 29th January 2021

Is it possible to have posts within threads sort by newest at the top?
It's functionality that we had on the old site Confused

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 30th January 2021

(29th January 2021, 00:41)beans Wrote: Is it possible to have posts within threads sort by newest at the top?
It's functionality that we had on the old site Confused

New features will be addressed after the bugs have been resolved.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - Amadeus - 5th February 2021

came across the "max filesize" bug again.

I guess my sig can only be 255 characters long, as well.

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 5th February 2021

Signature Limitation Removed

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - spod - 9th February 2021

There appears to ba a 500kb limit on jpg attachments - that's going to compromise quality on some images. Will that limit be reviewed at any stage?

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - kakuro - 10th February 2021

it seems anything that was under spoiler tags has the font severly reduced in size. this isn't as bad on mobile, where it'll adjust to fit the screen but on desktop it's practically unreadable

RE: Report New Forum Bugs and Issues Here - dxasmodeus - 11th February 2021

Known issue.