MUELLER MANIA (futa horror a bit slow)

Story by misfit446

In time for Halloween, hope you enjoy. The sex is slow and very undescriptive (a word?). More thinking material than fapping but hope you still like it.


Countess Freda Mueller, the only heir to the family castle in Bavaria, known as Valhalla, had just stepped from the carriage in front of the old, decrepid stronghold. The driver looked about scared, got his fare and took off quickly, whipping the horses wildly, throwing up dirt and stones in his haste.

Freda wasn’t worried. She had been born in this huge structure. It was home to her. She gathered her two bags and several medical books and walked to the formidable doors. Huge brass rings hung down in the middle of each solid door. Trying the handle she found it locked.

Sighing, she put her load down and looked about the porch area and found the rusted iron key inside of a planter holding a dead bush. With difficulty, she got the key to work the lock and the tumbler turned. Pushing the heavy door open the hinges screamed in protest.

It was pitch black inside. As she picked up her belongings distant thunder could be heard rolling in over the surrounding hills. Closing the door behind her, she set her things down and lit a match. She carefully searched and found a heavy candelabra with three large candles. She lit them. The dull glow gave Freda a sense of the condition of the old place.

It was bad. The clean up alone would take months. “Tomorrow I explore,” she said and grabbed her things, going into the grand parlor and settling onto one of the long, ornate settees. Snuggling up she tried to sleep.

The thoughts came fast. How she was shunned after she was born. Her mother, Hilda tried to help protect her but her father, Heinrich was adamant. Freda had to go. So with their wealth and connections, Freda was sent off to a private sanitarium at the age of seven. She still would be there if her parents were not killed in an avalanche with the other siblings.

State law made sure that she inherited the wealth and the title of the lands that were her family's. Deemed totally sane, the burgermeister of the town where the sanitarium was situated ordered her let go.

Breathing freedom for the first time in twenty two years, Freda planned on restoring the family home and living there. With the immense wealth that was left to her and her alone, she planned on making her life very pleasant.

It took weeks to get everything coordinated but with flashing heavy silver about the town in the valley, she amassed a large cadre of cleaning women, gardeners, carpenters and masons.

The old castle began to take shape. Surveying the goods in the house, Freda decided to donate some of the older pieces of furniture that needed some work and bought newer things from the local furniture maker.

At first, the village of Dornburgh was suspicious of this unknown Mueller, but soon, no one cared as long as those silver coins flowed through the local