Story by Theromen



The emergency room was a mad house. An almost unheard of thing had happened in Center City, a bus liner had crashed. The shuttle busses were fast moving G-LEV vehicles, about the size of small trains only a few cars in length. The G-trains as they were sometimes called could hold up to five hundred people. These were the new rapid transit from place to place within the city or beyond in the continental confines of North America and Europe. They were computer controlled and had impeccable timing unlike the old driver manned busses of the twentieth century, and never had there been an accident since they had gone into full operation. The system was foolproof …until now.

There were four hundred and twenty six people on bus 652, and as the med-techs ran about trying desperately to get to them one hundred and three had died from their traumatic wounds already. One of the med-techs was a young woman of clearly Asian descent, her lovely face pinched in a worried expression worked feverishly to save a young boy. The boy had already lost much blood, as the red soaked sheet he lay upon evidenced, his pulse was low, and his breathing shallow. His life was ebbing away and the young woman was sweating as she diligently tried her very best to keep him from slipping away.

It was all for naught however. The young life slowly went out and left the broken body it once inhabited behind. The young woman looked on with a horrified expression as she realized the boy was dead. She almost collapsed if it weren’t for her assistant helping her sit on a nearby examination stool. The assistant was saying something but it was all distorted and incomprehensible. Groans of pain and agony, screams and the sounds of more sirens and the bustle of the ER was all that filtered in to the young Asian woman’s ears. Then she felt a hand come down over her shoulder and she slowly looked up to see who or what it might be.

She recognized the handsome face of the man in front of her. He was a brilliant doctor and was considered the heartthrob of the medical staffs female population. His name was Nicholas Bradley, and he wasn’t always known for his bedside manner though he was truly brilliant as a physician. He looked with concern at the young woman. She noticed him mouthing something and finally words took shape in her head as he tried to speak to her.

“Kim…Kim are you alright?” His brow furrowed, as he looked her over.

She nodded affirmatively, and then shook her head. “I couldn’t save him.”

“I’m sorry Kim.” Nicholas said somberly. “But you managed to save at least four of them, I’ve been paying attention to you over here you know.”