Story by misfit446



Coach Tyler was pacing about as the girls entered. “Hurry and sit down,” she barked. The experienced girls new she wasn’t angry, just anxious and nervous, as they all were. I want all of you to work on your muscle exercises. Thirty minutes. So all of you strip down and spread out. I want to see you working. And I can tell.”

The girls stripped, piling all the clothing about the walls of the room. Soon, forty young girls were nude, sitting and working on their internal exercises. Coach Tyler’s eyes traveled about watching each abdomen and upper belly flexing and relaxing. “Tabitha Andrews, you’re slacking. Get going or you are out,” the stern sounding Coach shouted. The shame of being singled out worked, Tabitha doubled her exertions, working her muscles to soreness.

With her eyes spying intensely, she noticed little Glory working her own muscles fully, their definition bulging out of her thin skin. She smirked at the little dynamo. But she kept her vigilance and made the girls work all thirty minutes, even a minute over.

“Okay, relax,” she barked out. The girls sighed with relief.

“Concentrate now. I want all of you to really visualize doing your event, trying as hard as you can and winning,” she said softly. All eyes closed, brows furrowed, thinking, dreaming of winning as Coach Tyler wanted.

Another ten minutes went by and Coach called a rest. Then more exercises, then visualizing. This went on for the rest of the first hour.

Eight o’clock and she had the girls relaxing in showers, saunas and steam rooms. The girls worked in ten minute shifts. Soon they were all dressed in their meet togs, bright red body suits. Glory seemed so happy to be wearing hers. The other, more experienced girls just sat there, still using the visualization technique to work up their bodies to victory.

At eight thirty, the girls filed out into the competition arena. There were supporters already sitting in the stands. Most from Prendergast, some from the German school and the town. Flags and banners waved about as the girls entered. There was a policing of the area that needed to be done. This was more a ritual than a true need, yet it was an important psyching tool for the team.

Glory helped, watching the other girls to learn what she needed to do. Soon, the girls were sitting on their benches, waiting for the visitors to come out. First, the German coach exited the visitor’s locker room, shaking hands with Coach Tyler. Then the German girls trotted out. To all the Prendergast girls, from the most experienced to Glory, they all seemed massive and dangerous.

The huge girls came out in order, first years to seniors. Each set of ten girls sat on their specific bench.

Glory was already sitting with the first years, but on the floor. She was on reserve. A German girl was also sitting on the floor. She was the o