Spellbook part two

Story by cuteycindyhoney

I'm very sorry! It completely slipped my mind to post part two when I finished it!


Part Two

By Honey Moon

Misty Andrews admired her toned fit body. At nearly six

foot, the blonde and busty Goddess turned every male head in the

room. Face it, quite a few female heads turned too! Misty

whimpered sadly as she swiped a paw over her whiskers while

grooming. Trapped now in the body of a small black cat, all she

could do was watch as that witch Colleen Hannity paraded around

in what used to be her beautiful form!

Colleen looked down and laughed. “I know that sigh, kitty-

cat. You want this back, don’t you?” The statuesque woman loving

ran her hands down the flawless skin of her naked body. “You

want to go back to being the most beautiful woman in the room,

don’t you?”

The cat hated herself for sniffing back tears. “Yes! Of course

I want my body back! Do you think I like being sentenced to spend

the rest of my life as your pet?”

Colleen bent down and picked the little feline up by the

scruff of the neck. “But you make such a pretty cat.” She smiled

wickedly. “You’re getting heavier though. I wonder how many

kittens are in your puffy little belly?”

The cat whimpered. “You promised not to mention that! I

don’t want to even think about having kittens!”

The witch laughed. “How can I avoid the subject? Your belly

is getting huge, and it’s only been five weeks since you were the

guest of honor in a feline gang-bang!” She cradled the struggling

little cat in the crook of her arm. “Look at how big your nipples are

getting! I can’t wait to see you nursing all those pretty little


Misty began to cry. “Stop it!” she snapped. “You know that

Doctor Conner said I shouldn’t be stressed!”

“Yes, I remember what your veterinarian said!” Colleen

giggled. “Imagine the stress you’ll feel if that quack animal doctor

discovers you can talk! Some scientist would be opening up your

furry little head in no time!”

The little cat gasped. “I swore I’d never speak in front of

anyone! I’ll never tell a soul what you did to me!”

The blonde gently lowered the gravid cat to the floor. “I

know. I also know it’s your own sense of self-preservation that

keeps your trap shut! Why else do you think I moved the telephone

out of reach of your determined little paws? If you could call the

police, you would!”

Misty’s ears twitched in embarrassment. She had attempted

just such a feat several days ago. The plan had been to

anonymously tip the cops off to the murder of Richard, her former

fiancé! She was sure they would find traces of the man’s blood

down in the tub’s drain after Colleen had mercilessly butchered his

helpless body to death. The witch had nearly caught her nosing the

receiver from its cradle.