The Futa Conspiracy remastered

Story by t3hlegion

I always planned to bring this story over to Futanari Palace – it’s been around F3 for a while - but I wasn’t sure when the timing was right or how I should present it. Now that I figured out the most reasonable method to re-post the story…

My original plan was to wait until I was done with Part 1 and edit out all the kinks, and then present it as a complete work. I have no plans to completely averting that, but finishing Part 1’s taking me longer than I thought. Since I have about thirty chapters written, I’m going to retool each one and upload them one week at a time. This will be equally beneficial for old readers (from F3) as much as the ones who’re new to the story.

Although I’ve never been deeply disappointed with how I wrote the original chapters, some of its plot details and dialogue (notably the rougher earliest installments) are irksome to read, now that I have a much more stable vision for Part 1. After reading some fair criticism towards my initial chapters and discovering the errors overtime, these remastered chapters will fix the spottier format of the original version, narrative flaws and grammatical errors. As a bonus, I added a few minor story bits to help make the story cohesive.

If any of the readers who followed this story from the start think this means you have to re-read the story, don’t. Although I did alter or omit some events and expository details to improve the overall tale (especially with arc #1), none of the changes are significant enough to undo anything you already know. If you’re curious about the alterations, I’ll give you the specifics in case you want to see if it’s worth a look or not. My intent isn’t to punish the older readers, but I do want to extend my thanks to the F3 readers, since the story wouldn’t be the way it is now without your feedback.

Does this mean I demand new readers to solely wait for the remastered chapters? I’m not trying to pull a George Lucas on you guys, but I prefer if you new readers, since I think this will be the better take of the story for the reasons I stated above. However, if by chance, you want to catch up to all the previous chapters and catch up with F3’s current story arc, you’re free to do so.

So to get things started, I’m going to post the first two chapters and a brand new opening. Though I wrote it as a partial reward for the older readers, I hope it’s equally intriguing for the new ones. Anyway, I yakked on for too long as it is, so enjoy. :)