Story by misfit446

Thought I'd do something fun and topical, I mean Halloween is cumming up. So here is a light hearted, very tame story for y'all. Hope there are others that want to contribute. The more gore the better yet let's leave the scat and things alone, okay?Let's have some fun!!

Here goes:


“Goddamnit,” Milla growled as she walked down late 1940’s Rodeo Drive, her nostrils flared as she past the famous and infamous females of La La Land. She could smell the cock girls. She could smell the succubi like herself also. The salty, acidic wafts told her they were after the same thing she was, fresh Futa females, let alone the knowing winks toward her. She knew she had to move on. And she did.

For three hundred and seventy six years, Milla had been alive. After growing to eighteen years, three months and seventeen days, she succumbed to a beautiful dick woman who seduced her with her large cock and massive balls.

She only possessed a modest ten inches at the time, a freak to her gypsy tribe and later forced out once her secret was suspected. Her mother, Cravia had spent her whole life covering for her daughter, even poisoning the midwife who birthed her daughter knowing it was the only way to keep the family together. Cravia fretted and practically killed herself to have more children, males, so that no one would suspect she had one of the uncleansed. She drowned three futa female babies, shame and fear being the impetus. And yes, three more midwifes, one as young as seventeen, had been killed and cleverly covered up. She triumphed by having another six children, all males. Being the only girl, Milla got the privacy she needed to keep her powerful secret.

But one night, while the tribe was having a birthday celebration for her third youngest brother, Vladimir, a male having special status in the secluded group because of his so called virility, she got mesmerized and bitten on her dick by the earthy, desirous Horassa. No one knew about her being infected.

After unloading a prodigious load down Horassa’s throat, she get the prick. That was it. She watched her family get older while she stayed the same age. The tribe began to get suspicious when Milla didn’t age nor marry or procreate.

One night the elders held a secret meeting around the campfire. Cravia, knowing about it, yet fearing for her daughter let her know of the impending problems. Milla, kissing her mother, fled in the night, never to be heard from again.

Laughing about it now, she’d experienced many things in many countries. The music of Bach, Mozart, the genius of noted scientists. After arriving in the new world, she witnessed wars. She was shot with arrows, lead balls, even beat over the head and scalped by natives. Left for dead, she would recover and move on. She met Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla. Moving on seemed the thing to do after getting her last feeding of a relative of the Astors.

The American West gave her many op