Spare Parts: Chapter Three

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Polly is in a mood to experiment. Mandy is not quite receptive to the idea and struggles against the cords tying her to the bed. Can the bound woman keep awake to prevent whatever magic is causing the small computer adapter to grow dicks on sleeping women? What is Polly's REAL agenda? Is there some reason she picked this date to put her plan into operation?

Spare Parts

Chapter Three

By Honey Moon

My fiancée, Mandy Chin struggled against the silken cords

tying her to my bed. “Polly, you can’t do this!” she gasped, as I

laid a small plastic device on her mons veneris. “I only let you tie

me up because I thought you wanted kinky sex! Keep that thing

away from me!”

“You said you wanted to know what it felt like!” I laughed as

I centered the Inmac Compact Gender Changer (M-M) Product No.

329 over her lovely little sex before securing it with medical tape.

“Besides, this way you can’t be jealous of me fucking our girl, Kat.

You’ll be fucking her just as much once I get through with you!”

“I said I was just curious, that’s all! I didn’t mean I wanted to

grow a damn penis. I’m not jealous either. Who always laps up the

yummy creamy-pies you leave in Kat for me?” Almond eyes

opened wide. My beautiful soul mate struggled anew as creamy-

pie struck a memory with her. “But I’m pregnant! You already

knocked me up. What if something goes wrong?”

“Why should it?” I bent and kissed her cheek. “My period hit

right on time after my change. That’s proof positive all my female

plumbing still works!” I pointed to the small enclosure containing

my three white mice. “Besides, you already know Lady Macbeth

managed to knock up Juliet, even after Bob knocked her up. I

would never do a human trial unless I was sure it was safe. Now I

just have to figure out what to do with all those baby mice when

they’re born.”

I kissed her again. “I’m doing this for your own good. I know

how jealous you get. I can see it in your eyes every time I smile at

a pretty girl. Look at how you protested when I decided to fuck our

pretty little shoplifting friend Kat. Then you wouldn’t talk to me

for the rest of the day after I let that redheaded little bitch and her

lovely Milf-errific momma have that pink Sony laptop I was going

to sell to you. Giving you a penis is the best way I know to show

you the real need I have to find more bed partners. I don’t want to

see you get all pissy again next time I bang another pretty girl.”

“But you promised to hold that computer for me! I almost

had the money saved up, too!” Mandy yawned, and then shook her

head fearfully. “I swear, I won’t be jealous any more! Please Polly,

I don’t want a dick! Take that flea market trash off of me! Get it

away before it’s too late! Wait, I know! You said you didn’t grow
