A possible Random idea thread if it's allowed?

Story by BlizzardNin

gah... due to the text editing software here I guess i might as well go for the simple and plain description here.</br>

A random idea here's a brief equation Kick Ass Martial Art's chicks + Some influences from the Manga Slut Girl= ???.

The idea just came to me as I was riding home on the bus...

It started out as a somewhat cliche harem storyline but then I though how can I spice things up a bit before looking to other sources of inspiration before reading over the Hentai Manga Slut Girl the gears slowly but surely started to turn and partial scene setting's started to form inside of my head.

But I don't know if it's actually been done before or what the hell ever -shrugs-

I might try this idea or maybe someone else will pick this idea and take it to greatness, who knows.

I also posted this idea on the Grey Archive forums, but I like to place my idea's in different places for feedback perspectives.

As soon as I get the hang of how the text editing software here works i'll answer any questions in PM. Sorry