Interest Check: Halloween Story Time?

Story by Team ANF

Hi everybody! Pardon me for being fairly new and immediately dropping some half-baked ideas on your collective heads, but we only have a little less than six weeks left, sooo... I've been reading some stories about witchery on here, some scary (Spellbook), some not thaaat scary (A Young Witch). And Halloween is coming up (as if you didn't know) on Oct 31st!

So. Maybe we could have some scary stories told around the fire of our computer screens? I'd love it if everyone prepared a story and on Halloween someone opened a thread to post and enjoy them in. Naturally they would have to be about halloweeny things, in conjunction with dickgirls!

What do you think? Yes? No? Ideas (no story ideas, that's a secret until Halloween!) and thoughts?

My starter thoughts:

- 2 categories, really scary (guro allowed) and a little scary (no dying!)

- scary AND cute stories also allowed, of course!

- all stories get posted into one thread in one day

- and linked up in the first post, plus tagged for easy clickings!

Who's in? There's a poll, too!