Sealing the Deal

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Sealing the Deal

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis


NOTE: The only excuse I have for this story is that I'm struggling with a really bad cold right now. Well, and that this is sort of the background for a story idea I had several years ago that I never wrote down.

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Diana felt her mood sour almost instantly when she heard the door bell ring. She wasn't expecting any visitors and she had a real problem with anyone showing up unannounced. In fact, her tendency to go ballistic whenever she had a surprise guest who didn't seriously need her help was so well-known throughout the village that most people just stayed out of her way on principle. Even her dogs had a tendency to cower underneath the sofa at the sound of an unexpected ring at the door.

Diana flung open her front door with bad grace and an exclamation of "What?"

"Nice to see you too, sis."

Her glare softened slightly as she took in the young woman with the neatly combed black hair and immaculate business suit. But only slightly. "What are you doing here? I thought we'd agreed to keep out of each other's way?"

"Well, times change," came the reply. "Mind if I come in?"

Diana gave her half-sister another glare, then stepped aside. "Yeah, sure."

"Nice place you have here," Diana's sister said as she made her way to the cramped living room.

"You know what they say," Diana said as she trailed after her. "It's not much, but it's mine. Besides the woods near here are spectacular."

"I know. That's what made it so easy to find you. So what do you go by these days?"

"Diana. You?"

"Samantha," her sister replied as the took a seat in a worn-out chair. "But, really, Diana? I thought you hated that name."

Diana shrugged. "It's easy to remember," she said, sitting down on the only couch.

"I have no doubt," Samantha smiled. "I expect you've kept busy?"

"Pretty much. I'm a midwife nowadays," Diana said. "But you're not here for small talk, are you?"

"Come now, can't I simply visit my own family from time to time?"

"No, most of us hate each other," Diana said. "So get to the point."

"I've been running a multinational lately," Samantha said, apparently pretending not to hear. "The amount of money I'm making is truly scandalous. But you know, I suppose I'm a bit like Father. I find myself longing for the good old days."

"Really?" Diana said. "Weren't you the one who argued that waiting around for the good old days to come back was pointless?"

"Yes I was," Samantha said. "But like I said, times change. I think we might have an... opportunity."

"Oh?" Diana said, trying to keep the sudden rush of excitement out of her voice.

"You see, what with one thing and another, changing attitudes and such, I think we might have enough influence to carve out a little place for ourselves. And a... select entourage of followers, of course."

"Of course," Diana said. "Otherwise what would be the point, right?"

"Exactly," said Samantha. "It would mean that we would have to leave, but frankly