The Agreement

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: The Agreement

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

DISCLAIMER: Actually, I do own these characters for once.


NOTE: This is just a quick little one-shot. Please do not bother asking me to continue it. Also, I would like to point out that I once again find myself reluctant to do much infodumping and I wonder if that's going to bite me in the ass in this little bit of original fiction.

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"Wake up, human."

Amara rose, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. Then she stopped blinking when she realised she was fully awake already. She was still inside the irregular stone circle she'd gone to sleep in, the trees of the forest crowding in on all sides yet somehow not even a single shed leaf had ever fallen into the circle.

Turning to the person who'd woken her, Amara was not at all surprised to find it was an elf. The creature sat at the base of one of the surrounding trees, a vague smile on her refined face as she looked at her with endlessly deep eyes. She was dressed, if that word could be used, in a curious patchwork of furs, none of which Amara could recognise. Her long, blonde hair was adorned with a few careful braids and a collection of twigs and leaves that almost looked as though they had been tangled into her hair on purpose. Which was probably the case.

"It's been a while since someone fell asleep within my circle," the elf said.

"I'm not surprised," Amara said. "There's a lot of magic out there by now."

"So why come here, then?" the elven druid asked.

"I want to learn magic from someone who was born with it," Amara said, which was technically true.

"Admirable," the elf replied. "But I trust you are familiar with all the details of the Agreement? I find that your kind is sometimes surprised by some of the lesser known aspects of our little pact."

"No, I'm pretty familiar with it," Amara said, deciding not to tell the elf that it was because of those details she'd decided to fall asleep inside the circle in the first place.

"Very well then."

The elf rose and Amara noticed that although her feet were bare there wasn't a speck of dirt on them. As she approached the circle she stared taking off her furs, casually revealing more and more of her slim, pale body. By the time she stepped past the stones she was completely naked, giving Amara a full and unashamed look at everything from the green rune tattooed on her right upper arm, to her slender legs and flat stomach, to her firm breasts and her surprisingly thick cock. Amara tried not to stare at the elf's member, but found her eyes drawn towards it anyway. It was such strange thing to see on such a feminine body. Strange... and more than a little arousing.

The elf laughed. "Well then," she said. "Allow me to see you."

Amara stood up. Since she'd put on her nightshirt before going to sleep and had put the rest of her clothes outside the circle it didn't take her long to reveal her own body to the elf. She walked around her, and Amara could feel those dark eyes burnin