Kim Possible: Unpleasant Surprise

Story by akuo

Hey Hey every one akuo here with my first story. I do so hope you all will enjoy it.

A grate deal of thanks should also go to my proofreader Beatrix

PS: if you just want to get down to the nitty-gritty the futa starts in chapter one. The Prolog however dose contain a few plot points.

Prolog: The F.A.D. controller

The light from the morning sun had just begun streaming through the window as Kim awoke with a groan and a stretch. With sleepy eye’s she looked over at her alarm clock. The numbers 6:50 could be seen in a red digital light. As usual she woke up ten minute before her alarm went off. She turned off her alarm and shuffled off to her small adjacent bathroom to freshen up. It didn’t take too long, as every thing about her was pretty easy to manage. Momentarily she inspected her self in the mirror. Long red hair perfect for a boy to run his fingers through. Deep green eyes. A toned and athletic body. Since she was a cheerleader though that was almost prerequisite. And nice breasts. They where B cups and little more than a hand full but that was all Kim really needed. After her business in the bath room was done she dressed in her trade mark green tank top and khakis. As she was gathering her things for school she heard her mother’s voice calling from downstairs. “Kim dear, breakfast is ready.”

“Ok mom I’ll be right down.” Kim said as she slung her book bag over her shoulder. Quickly she headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. “Morning mom, morning daddy.” said Kim as she sat down at the table.

“Did you sleep well last night honey?” her father asked as he looked through the newspaper

“Just fine.” Kim replied. Just then her twin little brothers Jim and Tim walked in. The two seemed to be fiddling with some small device likely of their own design. “What are you tweebs messing with?” Kim said in some what of an annoyed tone.

“It’s a particle distortion ray.” answered Tim.

“It’s not going to melt the coffee table is it?” Said Kim with a bit of a smirk.

“Hey that only happened one time ok!” the boys called out in unison.

“Kim has a point boys. if you want to play with your toys you’ll have to play with them outside.” their father said with out looking up from his paper. The boys, though a bit perturbed, headed for the backyard. “By the way Kimy do you need a ride into school?”

“No I was going to walk in with Ron.” she said as she began eating the pancakes her mother put in front of her. About half way through her meal she looked up at the old analog clock on the dining room wall. It read 7:20. Ã