DOA Fanfic, "Remember You Will Die"! Now with Chapter 3!

Story by Runeless

Which rhymes with Vitamin C, hence inspiring the title! And thanks to drysd001 and Beatrix, both of whom replied complimentarily.

I'm playing with indents this chapter- I think they'll make everything look nicer, but like any human being, I could be wrong. Respond and tell me what you think!

"Remember You Will Die"

Chapter 3


Morning was a bad time for Kasumi.

Normally, mornings were not bad times for Kasumi- she was a Tenjin Mon, the Clan of the Sun, and almost all of their ninjitsu were based on sunlight. Having a healthy supply of light around at all times was a massive advantage for them.

They jokingly called themselves the antithesis of all that was supposedly ninja- they were creatures of honor, integrity, and light- and that was probably because the clan had its start in a group of samurai who had been banished by the Emperor for not killing a village of peasants just because he said so.

And so no one ever knew that in the end the samurai, despite all the odds, had won their age-old war with the ninja.

Except for the Tenjin Mon, anyway, who kept the history alive and tried really hard not to tell anybody.

But none of this was on Kasumi's mind this morning, because she woke up to the knowledge that she had done something wrong.

What in Buddha's name had gotten in to her? Ayane knew! She could tell everyone- and then- and then-

She could lose everything she had ever gained.

She stumbled out of bed, wiped the cum off her body with a wet rag, took one tearful, hating look at the penis laying limp above her testicles and vagina, and dressed quickly. She got breakfast ready- she couldn't cook dinner to save her life but she made a mean American-style French toast- and grabbed herself a glass of water. She never drank alcohol; too much of a chance of getting drunk and revealing her secret. She'd gotten used to organizing her life around the fact she had a dick.

As she got a drink, she made an imaginary toast. Here was to hoping Ayane stood by their bargain and hadn't been too freaked out by her actions last night.

Kasumi put her glass down and sighed.


Ayane stood with her clan at the bottom of their home to partake of their morning ritual. This involved a great deal of sake and some roast boar.

Hey, the woods were full of them. Somebody had to keep the local population down.

Standing next to Old-San, as everyone called the healer who had pretty much raised Ayane since she'd entered the clan, the purple-haired kunoichi was proud. Here they were, at the bottom of their complex, and no one knew about these rituals but her and the other members of her clan.

In the middle was the thief and necromancer who got called Stout for reasons no one knew, since he was a thin and willowy little fellow. Paradoxical name aside, he was now speaking for all of them here.

" Friends, allies, loved ones, we are here to feast, so we feast! Enjoy yourselves!"
