Naruto goes on vacation.

Story by Firemasta

((This is in the Shippudden series.))

Naruto walks out of his house and yells out, "Today's the day!!" He runs up a telephone pole and slides across the lines. Naruto jumps off and lands in front of the ramen shop. When he walks in there is a bowl of ramen on the counter. "It's for you Naruto." The owner say's, "Thanks." Naruto eats happily and finishes. "That sure hits the spot. Well I'm off to Chunnin Island, where all Chuunins can just relax." The owner looked at Naruto, "Isn't that tournement(coughs) I mean vacation for CHUUNINS."Naruto jumped back to the owner, "Shuuuuuush, nobody really... Okay everybody knows but when they see my skills they'll think i'm a jonin!"

Naruto had a devious smile as he ran out and smashed right into Hinata. He moaned as he layed there on top of Hinata. As he leaned up 2 inches away from her face. "Hinata, what are you doing here." Hinata thought back to when she had the idea of following him intill she could get him alone and now's her chance. "Naruto I-I-I was wondering if-if..." She was interrupted by Naruto, "Wanna go to the Island with me?" Hinata blushed and shook her head then hugged him.Naruto looked down at Hinata's chest to see her jacket sticking way out and Naruto reached down and squeezed it. Hinata moaned and looked at Naruto and Naruto felt ashamed and jumped off her. "I'm sorry Hinata I shouldn't have done that." Hinata pushed some hair behind her ear, "It's okay it felt good." Naruto blushed and grabbed her hand and they took off near the docks.

((If you thought this was good please tell me and I will continue.))