New Story Teaser

Story by Flesh_Seraph

Here's a teaser for a story I may or may not complete, I wrote it for fun. I figured I would post it here rather than just letting it rot on my computer.

Story begins now:


2 all u wondering I go 2 the same school as this bitch, not gonna say who I am but if I said my name u would know it…anyway I just want to drop in to say that u should do the world a favor and kill urself…u really think anyone cares about u! nobody gives a fuk about you wearing a tie….DYKE!!! u act like things have changes with all the freaks nowadays…they should ship u and all of them and put u on an island somewhere…then drop a bomb on it. U r stupid…ugly…and when I talk to the other girls about u we laugh and laugh…even sean mac told us how bad u smell and we fukin laughed so hard. if you want a cock so bad go get one and get the fuk out of our school u freak bitch

Srsly go kill urself


Cassie looked over her handiwork and an impish smirk lit one side of her mouth. With the whiteness of her screen monitor reflecting in her eyes, her usual alpha-bitch gaze of triumph was modified into something even more sinister and robotic, morphing her young and angular face into that of the ghastly blog “terminator” whom she currently fancied herself. Cassie could already imagine Sarah Liebermann throwing herself around her white trash townhouse bedroom at the sight of this latest comment, maybe dismantling one of her Bic Lady Disposables to prepare for the inevitable emo wrist-cutting adventure. That outcome would suit Cassie just fine- she hated Sarah Liebermann. Not because of anything that Sarah had ever done to her, but because Sarah was just plain weird…and with the changes going on in the world, the mass-scale influx of hermaphroditic culture…sometimes a good ol’ fashioned “normal” girl just needed to let her frustration be known. In Cassie’s opinion, people were tired of the bullshit, the “newhalf political correctness”. They wanted their old way of life back- the version where a mother didn’t have to worry about her daughter becoming attached to some dick-swinging, sex-crazed freak.

Cassie leaned back on her bed, the hiss of her laptop fan the only sound in the empty house, and considered the situation. Sarah Liebermann had always been gender-confused, that much was for sure- and as far as Cassie was concerned, she never wanted to see, hear, or think about any form of gender confusion ever again. Sarah Lieb