The Price of Tuition

Story by TechnoMonkey

Hello everyone, TechnoMonkey here.

I've been a lurker on these forums for QUITE a while now and have been a happy consumer of all the wonderful doujins and stories that FP has to offer.

I figured it's about time I give back to the community a bit, so I'm trying my hand at writing a story that fits a nitch that I feel has been rather empty as of late.

What is this nitch you ask? Well you'll just have to find out like everyone else as my story unfolds! The premise comes from a fucked up little dream I had a little while back, and has developed in my head for the past couple days.

Just to warn you ahead of time, This story isn't just gonna be all about sex, I'm gonna try and put a real plot in their too. So if it starts out slow, then I'm sorry, but take my word for it that you'll be glad you stuck with it in the end.

Chapter 5 is Out!

When a new Chapter comes out, it will be added below:

(Plot Only)"]Prologue

How in the world did things get so complicated. Not only did he nearly lose the goods, but he got pretty cut up in the process. He didn't necessarily regret his initial decision, but he definitely regretted how it turned out. I mean who in the hell would think that some bumkin professors private collection would have a god damn doberman guarding it! He'd have to think of some way to pay the bitch back later. Still, all things considered everything went well. What is a small bite wound when it means a payday of 50g's.

It was rather ironic, that the money garnered from selling Mrs. Felgreen's prized little trinket would end up funding his further attendance in her class! Still, he had to deliver the thing first. As Jake continued down the highway he could hardly believe that someone like him could be driven to do things this questionable, but what was there to do, someone had to foot the bill for college, and his dead beat dad sure wasn't gonna do it. He knew that without a damn degree he's be stuck doing dead end jobs that would probably force him to blows his head off before he turned 40, or drink himself into a stupor like his god damn father. No amount of moral regard was high enough that Jake would let this kind of opportunity pass him by...

1 Month Earlier

As Mrs. Felgreen stood up in front of the lecture hall she stared into the eyes of the 68 students that sat before her, and she smirked.

"Archeology is one of the key's to understanding history. Even with the written records of all the early civilizations on our planet, much still lies in shadow. Throughout this year I sought to teach you as much of that small fragment of knowledge as I could, but frankly, those of you who have managed to pass my class only have a one sided view of history."

She paused and looked around, her eyes fell on Jake and held them steady for several seconds long