The Unexpected Lovers

Story by Purgatory Brezoianu

Okay, this is my first story..I'm thinking of posting it also on FA, so please tell me what you think. It is Futa on male, just to let you know, dealing with revenge and love( and some bondage) so please tell me what you think.

Rebecca was rushing through the halls of her school trying not to miss class. She starts to run even faster almost slipping until she crashed right into one of the students. Shun looks down at Rebecca slowly getting mad,” Hey watch where you are going freak,” he picks her up throwing her right to one of the lockers,” Why don’t you be more careful…and stay out of my way,” Shun slowly tosses her down on the floor and starts walking away while turning around,” Hey, don’t be late,” he says while laughing down the halls.

Rebecca picks herself up and picks up the books lying all around on the ground. She starts to cry abit until she hears the bell ringing louder,” Oh shit I’m so late...I have to make it,” she said as she rushes to the last door on the last, opening the door with a loud hard crash. The teacher turns his head right at Rebecca,” Young lady...can you tell me why are your late to the class...hrmmm,” he says while tapping a finger on the desk, slowly Rebecca looks around the class as all of her classmates starts to laugh mocking her and so was Shun.

She hated Shun but she also loved him as for how long she have seen him there was something Rebecca liked about him, but there was a problem, Rebecca is a shemale and right now she was feeling her cock grow hard. Rebecca looks at the teacher,” I’m sorry for the trouble….I was...helping another student, (yeah that’s it),”whispering in her own mind, as she tries to finishes the teacher interrupts her,” Look we will talk about this after class...okay,” he says while give a sterner looked, Rebecca sighs looking at the others as they still laugh at her.

She walks to her desk slowly sitting as she Shun whispered into Rebecca’s ear,” Man...Are you that fucking idiotic…are just born that way, “laughing as he slides back into his deck. Rebecca tries to keep her anger from getting the best of her but then she feel her cock getting harder and harder she starts to blushes moaning softly trying to cover her mouth not to let her classmates hear,” W..Why now all of a sudden...Why is this fucking happening,” she says as she tries to push the bulge down to cover it but she can’t help and starts rubbing her cock slowly and ferociously feeling her pre soak her pants.
