The Big Bang

Story by pjooren

The Big Bang

At the beginning of time there was only one. She was all powerful, perfect… she was God. You cannot describe her perfection for it is beyond comprehension.

The young God was lonely, as it often is at the top. So she decided to create a world. One single planet. The first ever planet. It was a small planet. But the attention was in the details. It had three stationary stars surrounding it providing every square inch of the planet with the perfect amount of sunlight.

The God had spent only six days creating her masterpiece and filled this pristine paradise with its first inhabitance. The first of their kind… They were the earliest incarnation of man. God had decided to make these beings in her likeness. They were not exact copies of her, for she did not want them to completely reflect her perfection. They were small, averaging 6’, they were all alike, unlike god they lacked all her feminine features, they had no breast, no clit, and no womb. Their bodies were chiseled unlike God’s beautiful curves. In all sense of the word they were masculine.

God spent billions of years watching over her paradise. Everything was perfect and her inhabitance seemed pleased. But as time grew old, she yet again became bored. The men seemed to lack the complexity that she wanted. They were immortal. They had to be for they could not produce offspring. They were docile and by their nature were simply content with wondering around all day. Because they would never die, they lacked the concept of time. Because they lived in such a perfect paradise, they would never have to worry.

God wished to create a more interesting world. She wanted to mix things up a bit. So she created two beings and sent them down to her first world.


Two men were relaxing in a field of tall grass. The grass was perfect just like everything on the planet. It was soft and would never feel uncomfortable to lie on.

The first man was startled by a flash of light and a loud boom that seemed to have come from the heavens.

Two fire balls ripped across the sky landed in a nearby forest with such a loud explosion and with such a violent shock wave that it shook the planet. Every inhabitant of the world took notice especially the two that had seen the event unfold with their very own eyes.

The two men and every other man on the planet had no concept of stars other then the three suns that hung perfectly in sky, no concept of comets, asteroids, or other heavenly bodies or for that mater the universe, for none of those things existed yet. It was always day time on the planet no mater what part of it you were on… so the sight of two flying fire balls was definitely a change of scenery for these two men. Men from all over flocked to the scene. Their curiosity had gotten the best of them.

The forest was ruined. It was set a blaze and would continue to burn to the ground. The clouds of smoke