Newtype Rising

Story by mylifeizcool

Well, my first story for the site. This is different then my normal work, so I figured I would use a new site to post too. I don't want the connection made between this and my other work, so don't bother asking.

This will be 1st person, new for me, and about a Demon Hunter and a new breed of Succubus, ones that are Futanari's. 'Course, in the story timeline our lead man has yet to discover it.

Italics without quotes are our hero's thoughts, Italics in quotes is people on the other line of a phone call. Bold is the Future, from which time the story is being told. The main Story's time line is normal type, and quotes is for Dialog. They are all Original Characters, and I don't think anything breaks copyright laws so no disclaimers. However, I will say I was partially inspired by D Greyman...

Well enough of THAT. On to what is mostly an intro/teaser for my story. In chapter two the Futanari will become part of the story, so if you want to skip this chapter you CAN, but it will make a little more sense if you read this first... Oh, and /\/\/\/\/ lines will separate scenes and such...

Newtype Rising

Prologue: New Mission


I hate to mince words, so I will go straight to the damn point. I am a Demon Hunter, and this is my story. Listen well, young apprentice, and learn from my past experience. The true struggle against the Succubus began partway through my career as a traveling Demon Hunter. They were the Newtypes Breed...


“Ugh, what the hell?” I groaned. “A phone call at this hour? Must be headquarters.” I got up as fast as I could and answered it. “Hello? This is Hunter Alfa.”

“Alfa, this is Hunter's headquarters, we have a mission update. Lately, we had a report of a new type of Succubus that has appeared. We sent an investigative squad to the area they were first reported, but none of them have returned. We have sent Rafael, one of our investigators, out to the coordinates. We want you to head out as well to protect him. Researching this new breed and terminating them is your primary goal.” Captain Malcolm ordered.

“Yes, sir. Heading to given coordinates to complete the assigned mission.” I answered, and hung up. Might as well go now...

I was leaving my room when someone bumped into me. A woman fell to the floor, her warm milk spilled all over the front of her shirt. Her cup was shattered on the cold floor. “You alright, miss?” I asked gruffly. All she could manage to do was meekly shake her head yes. “I'll help you up, but the broken cup is all you.”[/