Best Bounty

Story by GoingInside

Hey, y'all, it's me again. Today I'm bringing you a story that's quite different from my last. It's a bit more conventional in some ways, but I think it's going pretty well. Anyways, please read and enjoy.


Considering the bounty that was being offered for the delivery of the Lady Jessica LaRange, the actual capture was quite anticlimactic. After following the trail of the disenfranchised noble halfway across the country of Salerna, I managed to track her to a dingy inn located in an equally dingy village called Telk. I'd been to Telk quite a few times in the past, sometimes on business, sometimes for pleasure... the serving girls at the Moonshine pub were the brightest spot in this otherwise sub-par town.

My mood was foul after trekking for days cross-country. My travelling clothes felt like they had fused with my skin, I was tired, and I had been without female companionship for much too long. I was not cheered by the rainy weather and gray sky. So I looked every bit the part of the filthy, worn vigilante/bounty hunter that most people imagined as I walked into the Telk's only inn, called, appropriately, "The Inn."

Except they probably didn't expect me to be a woman. Much less a woman with a full set of penis and testicles hanging down between her legs...

But so I was. In my teen years, my differences had bothered me quite a bit, but I had grown comfortable with it by the time I reached my twenty-second year. Now, at the age of twenty-five, I was intimately acquainted with the pleasures of the female form and how I was uniquely suited to enjoy them.

My name is Melanie Rose, and I'm a bounty hunter.

I stood in the doorway of the inn for a moment, my clothes saturated with rainwater, carefully surveying the common room, scanning for familiar faces I might have seen on wanted posters throughout my travels. It was a habit I had picked up early on in my career... one never knew when Fate would smile and drop a nice fat bounty into one's lap. But today was not such a day. With a sigh, I strode up to the counter, brushing dripping black bangs out of my green eyes.

"Hey, there," I said, managing to make myself smile at the inn-keeper. It wasn't too hard, she was a real cutie: Short brown hair with eyes to match, set on a smiling, pixie-like face. As she turned that infectious smile on me, I felt my dick stirring in my pants. With an effort, I kept myself from imagining the pretty girl in front of me staring lovingly up at into my eyes as I line-fed my cock into her cute little mouth. "My name is Melanie. I'm looking for a certain woman," I continued, "She has blue eyes, red hair, probably a little longer than mine," I pointed vaguely at my black hair, currently tied back in a short ponytail that hung down to mid-back, "and she's a little shorter than I am. Oh, and she has much pal