Untitled Story

Story by GoingInside

Hey, y'all. I've been lurking here for a while now, but I think I'm ready to post my first story. It's a little one-shot I was inspired to write a few days ago, hope y'all enjoy it.

Oh, and special thanks to my unofficial beta-reader: You know who you are.

WARNING: Loli-futa/f, incest, blowjob.


What's wrong with me? Kayla thought for the millionth time, forcing her brown eyes to return to the television screen. They focused there for maybe ten seconds before they were dragged, almost against her will, to the small figure curled up on the couch, lit almost angelically in the soft glow of the TV.

The figure was Kayla's Achilles's heel: Her dream, her fantasy, her desire, her obsession.

Her little sister.

Again, Kayla made herself turn her attention back to the action movie that was playing, bringing up one hand to rub her eyes, frustration and anxiety bubbling through her. I can't keep doing this, she told herself, this is so fucked up. By sheer will, she managed to keep her eyes on the flickering screen, until she realized that she had no idea what the scene was about, or even what movie she was watching.

Before she knew it, her gaze was back on her sister, Brittany, tracing the soft, delicate curves of her pale skin. She was curled into a ball on one side of the couch, a pillow clutched in her arms. Her eyes were riveted to the screen. Blue eyes, set above a button nose and soft, pink lips, and framed by hair the same dark brown as Kayla's.

Brittany was only eleven years old, four years younger than Kayla, and very special. From where Kayla sat, she could see up the long shirt her sister used as a nightgown, and, in the dim light, she could just make out the unnatural bulge in the girl's white cotton panties. No one had properly explained to Kayla why or how her sister, who was otherwise a normal female, possessed a fully functional set of male reproductive organs, but she did.

Mom and Dad had determined that the best thing to do was to not make a big deal of the abnormality. So the family had treated Brittany as if she was a completely normal girl. They never discussed it, never referred to it, never acknowledged it. Brittany, for her part, didn't seem to be bothered by the extra appendage at all. She behaved just like any other eleven year old girl.

An eleven year old girl with a big... long... THICK cock," Kayla thought, biting her lip.

But lately, Kayla had barely been able to maintain the charade of normality. Her own young body was in the throes of teenage hormonal surges that sent her libido spiraling almost out of control. Even if Brittany HAD been a normal girl, Kayla would have found her to be insufferably cute, but the fact that she was also possessed of a penis, and one of impressive size no less, ma