A Blessing & A Curse: Prologue

Story by FryBozu

Hi, Everyone! I've been floating around for a little while now, and decided to write my own story. It is a futa story, but it has a little something for everyone, the reason being that, if it's written well, most fetishes can turn me on! This first part has no sex(sorry!:(( ), but there's more parts(5 in all) to this prologue, so don't worry!

The prologue provides a few necessary background details before we get into the main storyline, so hang in there!


MAY 28, 2007


The door of the small shop opened, revealing a rather attractive 18-year-old girl, possessing an hourglass figure topped with large D-cup breasts. The midmorning sun, shining through the windows behind her mid-length, curly brown hair, added to the radiant glow of her tanned face. She started to look around, when an elderly Japanese woman- not ugly, mind you, just old- appeared at the counter. Realizing that the young lady was a foreigner, she started her greeting in English.

"Welcome to my shop, how may I help you?"

"Oh, well, I'm on my honeymoon, and I just wanted to buy a keepsake for the fun of it," said the brown-eyed girl, smiling. "You know, to remind me of the excitement of being here in Japan for the first time."

Looking at the newlywed with a scrutinizing eye, the woman got a thoughtful look on her face. Darting around the counter, she began digging through the shelves. She soon found and retrieved a set of large milk jugs, four in all. Each large enough to hold two gallons of milk, they were made of the most exquisitely carved glass, each one handcrafted and delightfully unique.

"Holy... they're amazing!" The girl was shocked, to say the least. "A bit larger than I expected to get though..."

The woman nodded sagely. "Yes, I realize that, but I saw you, and these jumped into my mind. I've learned to trust it when that happens."

The young lady tore her eyes from the jugs. "What do you mean?"

"I've noticed that when I make a sale like that, later on- weeks, months, even years down the line- I'll get a letter thanking me. Telling me how their item saved their life, gave them a patent-worthy idea, or just made their lives more liveable."

"Well, I don't know how milk jugs are gonna do any of that, but I'll take them just the same." The brunette reached into her purse, pulled out pen and paper, and started scribbling. "Just send them to Nicole Andrews- that's me- at this address." She paused, struck by a thought. "By the way, how much are they?"

The old lady smiled. She loved this part.

"Twenty U.S. dollars."

"Twenty each, huh? Less than I thought, but I guess that's-"

"No," the older woman interrupted her, "twenty for the set."

"What?! I can't take these for such a low price! In fact," Nicky threw down a stack of 10 $100 bills, along with her address, "that is the amount I am leaving in this store. Consider any change yours to keep."

The woman looked back and forth, between the bill