Life's Discoveries - 2nd Sequel

Story by psy1123eu

Here is the second sequel... not as much hardcore stuff, but more of a universe opener... i just let my fingers get carried away typing... kinda different from the other stuff....

you'll remember KC's internship at the clinic, and she 'helped' a religious sect for their exams... well this is the aftermath...

A Life's Discoveries Story

The Fate of the Fundamentalist Sect

by psy1123eu

Chapter 1: Back Story

About 30 years ago, our community was nearly destroyed. The government came in and tried to break up our happy family. But thanks to the good grace of God, and our lawyers, we were able to be left in peace, all of our children and women returned to us.

God must have had a plan for our little community, as all of our wives, sisters, and daughters were returned to us pregnant, and most had girls, many with twins or triplets.

All told, 9 months after they were returned to us, the good Lord granted us with a near simultaneous births of over 150 girls. Well, we assumed that they were girls.

When they started turning 13 or 14, the age for marriage, they all started growing parts that belonged on boys. Disaster struck.

Believing the Devil to be at work, all of the men, and most of the older women left the community, believing it to be a cursed place. They resettled in another state and never looked back.

Those of us left had believed that our daughters were instead incredibly blessed, being the true form of our Almighty God, who couldn't be male or female, but both. God had chosen our humble group to begin the re-population of the planet with his newest and best creation.

So we took it upon ourselves to make sure and be as fruitful as possible. We did away with traditional marriage, as it made little sense in the new order, and became a community family. Anyone could have relations with anyone. Everyone for the most part settled in with their closest partners, and working the land and increasing our communities wealth was the primary responsibility of the day, but at night we did our best to continue upon God's work.

The original generation was now 30 years old, and we had ensured that they were always with child. At first it didn't work, we thought they were sterile, but a secret visit to an outside doctor revealed that their life-giving ovaries were where shut down. Granting us a lifetime prescription of the medicine to reverse this, we made sure all the girls were taking it.

We now had a large community of over 4,000 of these beautiful creatures! Hundreds had left over the years to spread the good word of God to the outside world, and it was decided that it was best for our family to remain at about this level, encouraging hundreds each year to leave, to make room for the new arrivals.

Chapter 2: The Beginning of Sarah's Journey

Sarah was nervous. She was turning 14 tomorrow. That meant that her childhood was over, and she would be expected to join the adult world. Sitting in the chapel, she cl