Serpena the Cock Charmer (Ch. 1)

Story by Soul in Shadow

Serpena, the Cock-Charmer


Sid Mitchell was not what you'd call a very strong man. Sure, Sid prided himself on his rather noteworthy physique; an almost-daily workout regimen ensured his body would remain trim and in top form, and, by Sid's own estimation, he more than measured up when it came to his more...personal parts. Sid's weakness, however, had nothing to do with any kind of physical impotency, rather, Sid's was a wholly intrinsic lack of straight willpower.

Sid was vaguely aware of his shortcoming, though arrogance forever disallowed him from owning up to it personally. Instead, he hid it behind a facade of bravado and aggression, from his attitude at his workplace, Regency Motors, to his treatment of his cowerkers, and even his attitude towards his wife, Angela. The majority of people found Sid to be a decent enough fellow, though slightly grating at times, but even these accepting individuals were hard pressed to explain how an ass like Sid ended up, and managed to hold on to, a catch like Angela.

Angela's part in this sordid tale, however, comes later. For now, Sid's weakness must take center stage, for it might later be argued that if Sid had been any stronger of a man, any more faithful of a husband, the events of this tale would never have taken place. Alas, this evening found Sid persuing an activity entirely undeserving of his wife's devotion and affection.

The rain fell had on the city streets; the weathergirl had predicted at least another day or two of non-stop downpour. The gray weather was merely another of the small annoyances that currently pressed on Sid Mitchell's frazzled mind as he maneauvered his month-old, black SUV down yet another dim alleyway in the heart of the city. Recently, his boss had been on his ass about how his "attitude problems" were causing increasing tensions at work. "Fuck the old man, he wouldn't know an attitude problem if it shoved itself up his ass," Sid thought darkly, as the headlights of his SUV lit upon yet another street sign. Checking the directions he'd scrawled on a small yellow post-it note, Sid made a hard right, not bothering to signal or check to see if someone was coming the other way. In his state of mind, Sid could have cared less.

The attitude problems his boss so carefully referred to had to do with a recent complaint the new girl at the office, Sandra, had filed against Mr. Mitchell. She claimed he had made improper and lewd suggestions to her over the course of her first few days on the job, and that she would press charges if the attention continued.

Sexual harassment, that was a laugh. The tawdry bitch had been all but rutting against him from the minute she'd arrived. Decked out in her too-short skirts and tight blouses, she'd flaunted herself at Sid nearly constantly. Not that he'd minded at the time though, and like any other man in his position would have done, Sid had propositioned the little minx for some extra-curricular activities.

Sandra, like the slut