"Beautiful Freak" a story by Beatrix

Story by Beatrix

Hello :)

I've been writing a story for the past month and I'm glad to announce that it's finally ready.

It's my first story ever and I'm very proud of it ^^

There are no subjects in there that could turn people off.

No scat, no guro, no futa-on-male, no rape, no male characters :p, just some cute futa-action.

I hope you'll like it, please share your opinion, I really want to get better as a writer.

Just saying whether or not you liked it is appreciated too, but any specifics are very welcome.

Here it is:

(press the button please)

Beautiful Freak - a story by Beatrix


Uzume caught herself staring out of the window again, she couldn't help it, class had been so boring today. The math-teacher had just kept going on and on, she couldn't wait for the bell to ring and class to end.

"Only 10 more minutes," Uzume thought to herself, "10 more minutes and we can get out of here...". She looked around trying to find a new way to kill the time, she had spent the last half hour looking at the clouds outside and even that had become too boring.

She usually didn't care much for clouds, but today the weather was interesting, dark clouds had been racing each other across the sky since lunch.

Which was another reason she was anxious to get going, even though it hadn't rained yet, it seemed like it could any minute now, and she had walked to school today as usual.

She looked around the classroom, there was really noone paying any attention, a lot of people were looking outside or silently talking to each other. When her eyes turned to Yuki, Uzume couldn't help but smile.

Yuki was her best friend, always had been, always would be, she was a bit strange, but Uzume didn't care about things like that. The reason she smiled when she looked at her friend was that Yuki had managed to fall asleep in class without anyone noticing it.

Or at least nobody seemed to care about it. Uzume took a good look at Yuki, she was sleeping so peacefully. Her head resting on her arms, allowing her short silvery-white hair to almost touch the table. Uzume had always wondered about that, it couldn't have been her real colour, but no matter how many times she asked about it Yuki had always claimed that it was.

After all these years Uzume had just come to accept it, it didn't matter anymore if it was real or not. Yuki wouldn't be Yuki without the white hair, and Uzume liked how it looked.

She was a bit jealous really, her own hair was a boring brown, even though it had a red shine to it when she walked outside in the sun it was still just brown.

Her hair wasn't the most notable thing about Yuki though, even if it was what made her stand out in a crowd. Her eyes were what really caught people off-guard, they were a deep grey and always looked a bit sad. Which seemed strange because Yuki is always cheerful and energetic, even a bit too energetic for most people.

Yuki had never been one