Sorority Rush

Story by wazza

Another story from Fictionmania, this time from an author by the name of Elrod W.

Sorority Rush

by Elrod W.

"Why do we have to take her?" Annie fussed again. "She's no fun."

Jeanette stamped her foot impatiently. "Because we said we would," she

answered sternly. Besides, she thought to herself, I promised to help her fit


Annie wasn't satisfied. "You know the Tri-Delta girls won't like her."

Jeanette bit her lip. Annie had a point. The Delta-Delta-Delta sorority house

had a reputation for being snobs. But it was considered the best sorority

house on campus. Every girl tried to get a bid to join, but only a select few

were actually invited. Annie wanted to be one of them. Jeanette really didn't

care one way or the other; it was for her cousin Katie that she was doing this.

Annie was perfect Tri-Delta material. She was a model of the latest fashion,

wearing a new cocktail dress cut just perfectly in the latest style. New shoes

to match the dress. Her light brown hair was always impeccably done, curled

just enough to match the predominant Tri-Delta style. Jeanette thought

Annie's makeup was a bit much, but once again, it was a perfect match to the

Tri-Deltas. What was more, Annie had the attitude. The 'I'm better than you

so you don't matter' attitude so prevalent among the Tri-Delta girls. Snobs?

More like a bunch of stuck-up bitches, Jeanette thought.

Jeanette, on the other hand, didn't fit the Tri-Delta mold. She wore her dark

hair shorter than Annie, with only curls on the ends. Much more practical,

she reminded herself. Much less maintenance time. Her dress was tasteful,

but not as low-cut or as tight-fitting as Annie's. She didn't have new shoes -

no way was she going to blow that kind of money for this one evening. 'An

investment in a sorority future' Annie had called it, disdainful of Jeanette's

lack of fiscal extravagance. Well, Jeanette was paying for her college

education, and had to be careful with her money. She didn't have rich parents

whose money she could blow. She brushed the hair from her eyes for the

tenth time, silently wishing that Katie would change her mind, but knowing

that she wouldn't.
