Backyard Adventures

Story by ishida69

This is a story I wrote in a hotel when I was bored out of my mind. I realize its not futa (sorry) but i was trying to get some feedback from experienced readers of erotic stories (you guys). Let me know how you like it, if you do, and I might continue to a next chapter. Im also thinking about making a futa version of this story where the main character is a futa instead of a guy. Let me know if that would be better than this. Thankx and enjoy.

Content: Straight, normal sex. Nothing out of the ordinary in this one sorry guys (and girls)

I didnt want to insert the text but if it is hard to read then I will for the readers sake. The lack of formatting kinda urks me but if you guys wanna deal with it then so be it. Here ya go! >:D<

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When I got home from work one day I was shocked to find what I did it my back yard. That day changed my life forever.

My name is Christian, but everyone calls me Tal because my parents gave me that as my middle name (my family is mostly Indian). I'm a young man, only 19 in fact; Tall, brown hair and eyes, and I'm heavy of build, muscle not fat. I just got myself a new house, well kinda. I moved out of my parents house and into an apartment building. The cool thing was, no one else lived in the apartment with or above me and the house had a yard out back, if a little small. The yard was completely surrounded by fence with only a small gate that went out to ally where the neighborhood dumpster was, and of course, the back door of the house. I kept the gate locked usually because the apartment had a few chairs out back to sit in and I didn't want to have to replace them. Usually I keep the gate shut. On some locations I forgot the lock the gate after taking the trash out the back. This was one of those times.

I got home from a boring and long day at work (a law enforcement job, booking - nothing special or entertaining) with a headache and deacidified to go out and sit in the sun in my back yard. It was the middle of summer and it was hot. It reached a high of 96 degrees and I decided that water would make my head feel better. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and went to my room, getting on a bathing suite (I decided to tan since I had nothing better to do). As a walked out in the yard I heard a noise beyond the fence on the street side. I figured it was just a passing car or pedestrian. I laid down on a lawn chair and began my tan. I feel asleep some ten minutes after sitting down and woke up and hour later to a shadow leaning over my head. I opened my eyes and jumped, realizing I had been asleep. I looked up and saw a girl. Not just any girl but a beautiful girl: She had long blonde hair and bright green eyes. She also had on some loose clothes, mainly different shades of browns and blacks. She looked to be about a year or two younger than me and had, as far as her clothes would let me see, an amazing body. I looked into her eyes