Memories of the Body

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Memories of the Body

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Lost Odyssey

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Seth/Ming

NOTE: I'm almost always at a loss when it comes to the names of various forms of clothes. With Ming it's even worse. Seriously, I have no idea what it is she's supposed to be wearing. So I just guessed at it, as I usually do.

* * * * *

Ming didn't know what to think, which wasn't all that surprising. She'd been suffering from that a lot lately. Currently, she didn't know what to think about Seth. The woman claimed to know her, which somehow rang true to her even if she didn't know why. It was a curious sensation. She couldn't honestly say she was at ease around the tanned woman, but she got a sense of familiarity whenever she was near. Not to mention a number of... other reactions that really weren't too surprising in the presence of an attractive woman, though their severity worried her.

When the group stopped for the night at a small inn in an unmemorable town, Ming decided to see if she could find out what Seth had meant to her. Waving Jansen away, she walked to the table where the supposed former pirate seemed to be enjoying a meal of meat, beer and a few specks of green that might have been impoverished vegetables.

"Seth, can we talk?" Ming asked, trying to be as inobtrusive as possible.

Seth looked up and smiled. Ming really wished she hadn't. It made her feel so... difficult.

"Sure, sit down," the blue-haired woman replied.

"I'd prefer it if we could talk in private if it's all the same with you," Ming said.

Seth gave her a look that went on just a little too long for comfort. "Yeah sure," she said finally. "You head on up, I'll be right there."

"Thank you."

Ming turned away and headed up the stairs to the small bedroom, quaintly decorated with wood. She sat down on one of the room's two beds and instantly realised her mistake. She felt a rush of... not memory, not exactly. But she'd just talked to Seth and now she was on a bed and her body seemed to know exactly what that meant. Ming adjusted some of her clothes in an effort to become a bit more comfortable. It didn't really work.

The door opened and Seth strode inside. She sat down on the opposite bed, crossed her legs and looked at her with an expression of keen interest.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?"

"Us," Ming said. "You make claims of knowing me."

"Well, not exactly," Seth said. "I just... I know I know you, but I don't... you know... know you. It's the memory loss thing."

"I quite understand," Ming replied. "However, you've never hidden the fact that you used to be a pirate. I'm a Queen. How could we ever have associated?"

"Don't know," Seth shrugged. "Maybe you were part of my crew before you get elevated somehow. Maybe I was just a subject until I ran away to sea."

"Why would I ever leave you?" Ming said. Then, once she'd heard what she'd actually said, added, "We're both Immortal