Not Mine

Story by WolfDragonGod

Okay this story isn't mine but i thought it was a good soft futa story or atleast had the makings of being a good futa story so here it is.

Title: Clear Disguise

Author: dirty diana


Warnings: transexuality

Rating: NC-17

Feedback: please

Disclaimer: I didn't invent these characters. Obviously. Notes: Just some sweet fluff to tide you over while I try to figure out what the hell is going to happen in the third installment of "Rock and a Hard Place". Inspired by a couple fics I read that put Mal in a dress. Boys in drag make me say, "eh". But girls in drag, yay!

"They're too tight," River says. "I'll turn the colour of blueberries, and float away."

"They have to be tight," you answer. "Otherwise the pants'll fall off."

You are grinning. It's been months since you've landed anywhere exciting, and weeks since you've landed anywhere at all. You can't wait to get off Serenity and explore the main city of the planet Athena. Breathe some fresh air, meet new people. Everyone's dying to go. But there'd been just one problem.

"You ain't getting off this ship," Mal had told Simon at dinner last night. His expression was set in stone and invited no argument. "Ain't a chance in the 'verse. You ain't, and she ain't. 'Specially her." He pointed at River. "This here's a core planet. I just want to drop this cargo, refuel, and go. I got no plans to come rescue you from the gorram Alliance."

Simon has never really been intimidated by the captain. But he picks his fights. This wasn't one of them. He nodded, and resumed eating. It is River who spoke up. "The Alliance are looking for River Tam."

"They certainly are," Mal agreed dryly. "What with there bein' that warrant out for your arrest an' all."

"If River isn't there," she explained slowly, as if to a child, "then the Alliance can't find her."

Jayne grunted. "Yeah? You plannin' to turn into the ship again?"

But you understood the idea, and seized it. "It's perfect. I'll get her dressed up , cap'n. No one'll recognize her. She sure won't match the picture on the warrant."

"I suppose that might work." Mal chuckled, amused. "What about you, doc? You gonna put on a fancy disguise?"

Simon's mouth curled a faint smile. "I think I'll just stay on the ship, captain. The rest of you can go on and have your fun." He looked straight at Jayne as he said this. You suspect that Jayne will find a reason to stay on the ship too.

"I'm going to take my wife shopping," Wash announced to the table. "Buy her something nice."

Zoe smiled indulgently at her husband. "I didn't know we had any money, dear."

"Well," Wash admitted, "we don't."

It is Wash's closet that you have raided to find clothes for River. Things you don't think you've ever seen him wear, grey slacks and a matching vest, white buttondown shirt. Suspenders with dinosuars on them, that make you both laugh. You have reached around her slim wai