Story by misfit446

Here's the other part. See the first part to 'catch up' if you wish but this part could stand on its own probably. Enjoyed writing it.


Hours passed. Patty and Petra were now snoring softly, each lying on a bench, leaving no place for Jenna to rest. Pissed, she kept the vigil up, pacing about the small cell to work off her anger and tension.

Suddenly she heard keys jingling, a lock clicking and a squeaky door opening. “Oh shit,” she hissed, rushing to the girls and roughly waking them up.

“What?” Petra whined.

“Hey. Fuck,” Patty groaned.

“Come on, someone’s coming,” Jenna hissed loudly. The sleepy girls bolted up. “Get into a corner.” Each dick girl chose a spot and waited. Heavy boots thudded down the concrete floor. The same leering guard unlocked the door and spoke Spanish, waving his hand for them to come out.

The girls froze. He repeated the command, using rapid gestures to get them to understand. “What do we do?” Petra asked Jenna.

“Stay in here until they drag us out,” she murmured, eyeing the guard suspiciously. The guard sighed and called down the hallway to some unknown person. There were more footsteps, one was a loud clicking sounding like heels.

‘Heels?’ Jenna asked herself. All eyes were on the bars. Tina, wearing a flowing skirt and bright colored blouse followed a welldressed man.

“Come girls. You are free,” he said in a deep, slightly accented voice.


“Are you serious?” asked Petra.

“Is this a trick?” Jenna asked.

“This is for real. Tina has paid for your release.”

The girls looked at each other in disbelief.

“Come now, we don’t have much time,” the man said, waving his hand for them to exit the cell.

“Okay,” Jenna nodded, and the girls filed out, each hugging Tina warmly. Tina hugged back and helped to shoo the girls down the hallway and out of the station. They were allowed to grab their purses that were taken from the club. Outside, a limo waited in front of the station, looking very out of place in the dirt and filth of the area.

“Hurry. Get in,” the man said, helping each girl and Tina inside the black car. He got in the passenger seat and the car moved out.

The dark glass divider between the driver and passenger area lowered. “Tina has just one request for orchestrating your release,” the man said turning to look at the girls.

“What’s that?” asked Patty.

“She wants to spend the night with you three lovely ladies.”

“B-but we have school tomorrow,” Petra stated.

“Hey, she got us out for chrissakes. I for one would love to spend time with Tina,” Jenna offered, eyeing Tina’s bodacious tatas wrapped up tightly inside the blouse.

“Um, I guess I’m curious too,” Patty asked demurely, giving a quick look at Tina’s muscular arms and legs.

“Come on guys, we have school. I’ve got a Lit test and I havenâ