"In one's past"

Story by blackroseformylover

this is my creation and currently i am still working on it. If you don't like it then please give me some constructive criticism about it. don't just say it sucks.

Most of the things i write about are just ideas that pop into my head. And if a story has a plot or a character that i feel is interesting and needs to be in a better story i add them.

But this story i am about to show you is just a short work. It isn't really finished.

I did not proof read it so my grammar and punctuation are gonna be off, but please bear with me.

It's about the middle of the story and it's simply two people talking about the older mans past.

If you like it let me know, if you hate it then let me know what i should add or change. And remember it's a work in progress.

In one's past

"What do you see when you look into a mirror?"

"I see myself sir. Why?"

"I wondered the same thing when i first heard that question, and i gave the same response."


"Have you ever killed? Taken another's life?"


"Then you have it easy. When you are pure of heart and you look into a mirror, you see yourself, calm, serene and not a care in the world. But when you're heart is tainted, you see nothing but a shell. A former piece of you somehow able to still walk and talk and breathe. And for a while you think nothing of it. Hoping that it will disappear and never haunt you again."

"I'm afraid i don't understand sir."

"I've killed in the sake of honor, and for the sake of my friends. Nothing more, and nothing less. Any man, or woman who fights for himself is an animal, a beast thrown into the pits of battle since birth. Born and raised in chaos and bathed in blood."


"Yes, blood and chaos. When you pick up a weapon and strap it to your persons everyday you think nothing of it, put simply because you have neither used it, nor thought of using it. Someone was always there watching and there to assist you in times of strife. But what happens when the one you look to for assistance is no longer there?"

"I'm not sure sir."

"But you do, in fact you have just answered the question. No one knows. Instinct is a funny thing, isn't it? What goes through another's mind when they are in peril? How can one even begin to answer that? These questions keep me constantly thinking."

"But sir what did you mean a former shell of yourself?"

"Ah yes, how silly of me, I forgot to elaborate. Blame it on age I suppose."


"When you do look in the mirror, you see yourself. Whole, intact,but for someone like me, who looks into the mirror he see's himself as he is. Full of pain, thoughts that forever will forever haunt him, but the more so disturbing factor about his reflection, is the blood."

"I'm afraid i still don't understand, how can you're reflection have blood in it?"

"To put it simply, it's one's past that he sees. No matter where i go, and what i do, i see the same thing. Me. 20 years ag