Story by misfit446

Finished another story of two parts that was started long ago. Finally got it where I want it. Enjoy. Again, thanks to the wonderful morpher for the photo.


Linda Bower watched the scenery fly by through the rear passenger side window. Her mother was reading aloud from the small girls college handbook. Dread deepened inside her gut as her father turned off at the exit for Roger’s College.

“Oh look honey, isn’t it wonderful,” her mother gushed. Linda sighed and looked about the very green and shady front quad.

There were girls throwing Frisbees, laying out in bikinis and just walking and biking about the spread out campus. The old, red bricked buildings gave a homey feeling, according to her mother.

Her Dad turned to her mother and asked, “What building is it?”

“She’s in Lear Hall, right honey?”

“Yeah,” Linda mumbled.

“Oh, there it is!” her mother shouted excitedly. Her father parked the car and everyone piled out.

“Here’s your paperwork. Why don’t you go and sign in and Dad and I will get the stuff unloaded.”

Linda grabbed the papers and slowly made her way into the old building. It smelled of wood and paint. Looking around, she saw a sign with an arrow on it saying “Registration” which pointing to an open office.

Sighing, she walked into the open door. An older woman looked up from her computer. “Hello. You staying in Lear Hall?”

Linda nodded and handed her paperwork over. The woman checked through all the receipts and things and nodded. “Okay. You’re assigned room four fourteen. That’s three flights up. Sorry, no elevators.”

“S’okay,” Linda said, taking her paperwork back and pocketing the room key. Walking outside she noticed a bunch of girls all over the place. She hoped she’d be able to fit in, get along and just get through this four years of hell. Walking over to her parents she grabbed a suitcase and began to roll it along the sidewalk.

“Where are we going?” her Dad asked.

“Four fourteen,” Linda called over her shoulder. She hated when her parents were near her. She thought she could feel all eyes on her. It was creepy. Struggling to get up the wide, creaky steps, the family group reached the room. Unlocking the door, they entered. It smelled of new paint. It was hot also. Her mother immediately ran to the wall unit and cranked the air conditioning to full.

After getting her meager possessions into the room, her parents decided to take their daughter out for an early dinner. Locking the door, they headed out.

Saying goodbye was one of the things Linda hated most, especially with her parents. Her mother always made a scene. With tears and many hugs, Linda finally was free of the parental leash. She actually had to fight to not smile as her parents drove off.

Turning, she strode into the building, passing faces she didn’t recognize.