Test Subject

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Test Subject

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Dead or Alive

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Lisa/Helena

NOTE: It may surprise you to know that writing sex scenes is really darn difficult for me. I still struggle with every sentence, which may be part of the reason I'm still writing pr0nfic. Anyway, for some reason, I really struggled with this one, though I really don't know why. On an unrelated note, I really didn't know whether to call Lisa black or brown or tanned or what, so I mostly decided to settle on 'dark'.

* * * * *

Helena stared at the small phial of pink liquid sitting on her desk, then up at Lisa standing on the other side of her desk wearing a white labcoat.

"And this would be...?"

"Just something I've been working on in my spare time," Lisa replied.

"That doesn't answer my question," Helena said.

Lisa smiled. "Well, if I just told you that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?"

Helena pinched the bridge of her nose. It had been a long day. "I am your employer, you know."

"I know," Lisa replied. "But it's after work hours and this isn't DOATEC business. Yet."

"Fine," said Helena. "Why do you want me to try this... concoction?"

"I need the data," Lisa replied. "I've tested it extensively on myself, but that's not enough."

"So you want me to be your guinea pig," Helena said.

"Basically," Lisa admitted.

"At least you're honest about that," Helena said. "Is it safe?"

"Absolutely," Lisa said. "And in the extremely unlikely case that you've got an allergic reaction or something, I've got an antidote that'll purge it from your system immediately."

"And the effects, whatever they are, are temporary?"


"You've thought of everything, then."

"I should hope so," Lisa said. "That's my job, after all."

"Very well," Helena said as she reached for the phial. "I suppose it couldn't hurt."

Lisa grinned. "Don't drink too much now."

"There's a chance of overdose?"

"No," Lisa replied. "But the more you drink, the longer the effects last."

"I see."

Helena held the phial at her lips and breathed out. This was certified madness. But it had been a long, dull day full of rather meaningless reports and endless rows of figures. Whatever Lisa had come up with would at least be interesting. And, knowing the woman, it might even be amusing, if one had the right kind of humour.

Helena took a quick sip and felt a few drops of the cool liquid flow over her tongue, but didn't taste anything. She felt a bit disappointed. A liquid so pink should have tasted of something.

"Thanks," said Lisa.

"So what did it do?" Helena asked, as she put the phial down.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Helena was about to protest when she indeed found out. Suddenly her entire body felt... bizarre. There was no better word for it. Suddenly her own body, which had been so comfortable and familiar with felt different, almost alien. The source of the strangeness was easily fo