Story by misfit446

Sorry for the delay. Am trying to get things going again. Here is part 7. If you need to refresh your memories, check out the other parts. Thanks for reading.


Dean Meeker sat and listened to Natalie explain about her idea on having the girls fucking while milking their cum out. When she was done she watched Dean Meeker swivel in her chair a bit, thinking it over.

“What about virgins?”

“Hmm, well, I would have thought most girls weren’t. But we’ll have to do a seminar on breaking the cherry then, I guess.”

“Put it in the budget and I’ll look at it. How’s Glory doing?”

“She’s been up and ate. We’ll do the pheromone test today. Then we’ll do the rest of the regimen.”


Natalie left.

Back at the steam plant, Natalie helped Glory enter a small room. It had many sensors and wires around the wall. A small examination table sat in the middle.

“Now Glory, we need to have you naked so disrobe and then lie down on the table.” As she said this, she rolled over a large steel tank with a small hose and face mask attached to it.

Glory pulled off her blouse and skirt, flipping off her shoes and skinning off her socks. She climbed up on the table with help from Natalie, who maneuvered the IV stand next to the table. She checked all the IV’s and tubing for kinks. Satisfied she caressed Glory’s hair. With practiced expertise, Natalie put the face mask over a nervous Glory’s face and ear phones in her ears.

“Now you must lay there and relax. See that camera in the corner?” Natalie asked, pointing to the camera mounted on the wall. Glory looked and nodded.

“There’s a microphone on it too. If you need anything, just call out loudly. I’m gonna bring in some water for you. Now relax.” Natalie left but came back soon enough with several water bottles. “Take quick sips under the mask.

Glory nodded.

“Okay, I have to close the door. Then I have to purge the air so that we can get an exact reading. I’ll talk with you while I do everything,” she said and walked out, clanging the large metal door closed, latching it tightly.

Sitting in front of a computer console, Natalie expertly worked sequences that made many things happen. “Okay, I’m going to purge the air now. You’ll feel some wind and hear some noise, but everything is okay.”

Glory laid there as the purging began. It didn’t last long, but the breeze gave her a chill, goose bumps springing up all over her nude body, her nipples hardening tightly.

“You’re doing great. We’re down to point two five atmospheres. Your ears my feel plugged a bit. Now I’m turning on the sensors and you just lay back. It’ll take about two hours or so. I’ll be here, I’m not going anywhere,” the young girl heard in her ears clearly.

“Okay,” Glory mumbled softly and closed her