Story by misfit446

This is a story idea by Kimmyhime and my filling in the blanks. A little different for me since this is more fantasy than modern life stuff. This is part one. I see three parts.


Fara Victorious drummed her fingers on the thick, rough hewn table as she waited for Doctor Swan to come to her. “Such impudence,’ she thought, having to actually wait for anyone. With a swish of cloth covering the entrance, Doctor Swan entered.

“You’re late,” Fara spat.

“We had a problem with one of the girls,” Doctor Swan answered offhandedly and sat down. “What did you want?”

“Want? I need that next batch ready as soon as possible. I’ve got clients waiting for their property.”

“This science is all new. We can’t rush it. It’ll be at least a moon phase.”

“Not good enough. The wind changes soon. I want them ready in two moons.”

Doctor Swan stood up. “That’s impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible.”

“But you don’t know how much time it takes . . . “

“Then show me,” Fara offered, standing up. She towered over the doctor by almost a foot. With her powerful frame, wide shoulders, large arms and formidable legs, Fara knew she could easily crush the life out of the smaller woman if she so desired.

Flinching slightly, Doctor Swan turned and walked out. Fara followed. Though the civilization was mostly an agrarian one, there was technology. Most of it was in control of the ruling powers, Fara being one of the elite.

Entering the massive laboratory, the other technicians and doctors turned to watch Fara enter. An elfish Doctor took a step toward Doctor Swan then stopped.

“Get back to work,” Doctor Swan shouted out. “Doctor Wren, get me the charts on our special case.” The tiny woman nodded and stepped away. The others turned back toward their tasks.

“So show me why it takes so long.”

Doctor Swan led Fara into another large room, filled with beds. In the beds were girl slaves going through their transformation into Ingo women. The girls were asleep, being filled with special concoctions and powerful hormones to help enhance their bodies and stature.

“This is the first phase of the transformation.”

“They’re asleep.”

“They’re in comas. To endure the pain.”

Fara walked down the aisles of beds, examining the slaves carefully. Though most were just entering teenhood, there were several older girls there also. Peeking under the blankets she saw the usual: girls with five inch cocks and balls inside a fleshy sack. Turning toward the waiting Doctor, she spoke.

“Show me why you were late coming to me.”

Doctor Swan sighed and walked over to another room. Fara pushed past her and saw a stunning young girl sleeping peacefully under a woolen blanket. Without ceremony, Fara pulled the covering off, tossing it across the room. Even for Fara, the sight took her breath away. The girl/woman had massi