Links to the stories on this site (a node thread)

Story by Beatrix

It's been almost a year and a half since FP (and with it this section) has been created and it shows, there's a pile of stories here. That's almost completely a good thing, it just makes it hard to find something you like. And that's where this thread comes in.

Here each author can make one (and exactly one) post linking to their stories and giving a bit of a synopsis or just a promotion of why people should read their series. Authors with multiple series, please still list them in one post. If things change or new material gets written they can edit their post using this awesome button -> (or at least the respective one in their own post :p)

So no posts from non-authors allowed, one post per author and the idea is that this becomes something of a listing for what stories are in this section.

It's probably also useful to list content-tags so people can see easily what fetishes/topics your story touches upon.

If this thread gets too large I'll also put an index of the authors listed here with links to their posts within the thread, that way people can find them even better (though with the current amount of replies it's not really necessary yet).

I hope we can make this part of FP even better than it already is, and maybe attract some more people too ^_^
