Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Story by WolfDragonGod

Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Prologue – New Chances

By - WDG (WolfDragonGod) with the help of SRB (SomeRandomBastard) and some other people on the site.

Leo is a girl that is faking being a boy for her father, sometimes during the story i might call her by him, his, he and etc. So don't get confused.

'Man, I hate school, it’s just another way to bore me to death!' thought the young teenage girl as she sighed. She was sitting at her desk in English class listening to the god-awful music her teacher was playing as they wrote journals.

As the teacher went back to her desk the girl quickly pulled out her phone to check the time and almost wanted to scream, it was 11:12 am and her class didn't get out until 11:45.

Grumbling under her breath she put the phone away and pulled out her sketchpad and began to draw lightly on the pad making the line of a woman. It slowly began to take shape, first the hair then the body, the everything else like clothes, wings, and some small things like tattoos or a piercing or two.

She never drew real people anymore they just wanted her to make them look perfect when they weren't so she didn't draw them anymore. She became tired after a while and put her head on her desk, after putting her stuff away, closing her eyes she laid there waiting for the bell to ring.

The sound of the bell going off made her open her sky blue eyes. She got up and began to put her stuff away in her bag as she got ready to leave. Once all her personal items where packed away she took off the small silver framed glasses, closing them she put them in her shirt pocket over her heart. Picking up her satchel she threw it over her shoulder before reaching down to pick up her gym bag and her schoolbooks.

Walking out of the room her worn shoes gliding across the old hallways as she dodged away from people in the hall not wanting to bump into any of them. Upon reach her locker she let out a sad whimper looking up at the sign on it, GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG BITCH, she ripped it off and tossed it away.

Being smart sucked it was why she was here, because she just had to be what her dad wanted, that and begin an only child didn’t help matters. Her father wanted a boy so he took his rage out on his daughter, physically and mentally. She was a born genius, always excelling at what she did passing everything with scores way above average. Which had sent her here to a very rich high school, where she pretended to be a boy for her father. She had skipped a good number of grades it was what made them hate her so, plus there was the fact most every girl thought she was cute.

Sighing she put her books away and headed to the gym making sure no one was around, she head to the boys locker room where she began to get undress and put on her gym clothes. Black shorts, white wraps to make sure her small a-cup breast weren’t noticed, over that was a blue pair of sweats pants and shirt both, pulling on her black and gold sneakers once more she put