Miss Gertrude Dumphries' Saharan Adventure

Story by Avia

My second effort. A period piece, it takes place in the Sahara as the second world war looms. I'm presenting it in bite sized sections because I wish the illustrations I produced for it to match up with particular bits of narrative and rather than have them all show up at the end willy nilly. ;;)

(if someone can explain how to embed attachments in the middle of text I'll edit this)

Futa masturbation and Futa on Futa

must be 18+ etc. etc.

Bardia, North Africa- 1939

"It's far too dangerous, I won't allow it," huffed Colonel MacPherson. "At least take one of my men with you, for heaven's sake."

Miss Gertrude Dumphries raised an eyebrow, "Colonel, an average man weighs 12 stone without his gear and I shall need every ounce of my payload capacity for fuel, especially if I should encounter a head wind." She glowered, "I certainly don't need to take on any useless baggage."

"But the final leg of your course is 100 miles of barren desert. Would you at least consider landing at El Alamein and taking the train from there?"

"Colonel..." She softened her tone, "...Archie. You agree that it is critical these dispatches concerning Italy's intentions get to Cairo as soon as is practical?"

"You know I do."

"To do as you suggest would add several days to my journey." She raised her hand, "No, don't argue. I may be a woman but you must admit I know as much about flying over the Sahara as anybody here in Bardia. It's my plane and I'll bloody well be the one to say where I fly it." She winked, "Besides, that last leg is only a one hour flight."

With consternation, Colonel Archie MacPhereson pulled at his handlebar mustache. "Trudy, I promised your father before he passed on that I'd watch out for you. He knew the kind of risks you thrill in taking and it always worried him. Frankly, it worries me still. That said... I don't doubt your abilities and as for your courage, pardon the expression, it's been clear for a long time you have more balls than any man in my battalion."

He doesn't know the half of it, she smiled inwardly. Gertrude 'Trudy' Dumphries, the adopted daughter of Lord Dumphries, was not a typical young woman. She had grown up in North Africa where she learned to fly planes and speak fluent Arabic while Lord Dumphries ran his aviation business. She thrived on adventure. And unbeknownst to any but her lovers, she possessed a cock of proportions that any of the Colonel's troops would be envious to boast of.

"I appreciate your concern Colonel, and I thank you for it. But these are times when we must, absolutely must, set aside thoughts of our own personal welfare. Far too many other lives depend on it." She bent over the chart table and ran her finger along the route one more time. "I depart Bardia and fly along the coast till I reach Mersa Matuh. I'll land there, refuel, continue on to El Alamein and then, finally, Cairo. Piece of cake, really