Secret Camp, Part 5

Story by Milkmaniac

Been too long in the making, but here you go. I hope you enjoy. Email me with any comments.

The Secret Camp – part 5

By Milkmaniac © 2007


There were many small islands near St. Vincents and the Grenadines, in the Caribbean. On one of them was the remote testing facility for Phuture Pharmaceuticals Corp. Barely 1 mile long, it could only be accessed via a dangerous boat trip from St. Vincents, more than two hours away in good weather. The island was chosen for its remoteness and inaccessibility. No airstrips, no docks, not even a heliport. The boats used by PPC were landing craft that could drive right up to the shore, drop the front ramp and unload jeeps and cargo. This was how Dr. Opper and his captives arrived on the little island.

It had been three months since their capture in the Camp. For the first ten weeks, they'd been treated to a host of medical experiments in the Camp's facilities. Staff had been allocated to assist with the genetic modification programming and measures had been taken to erase all traces of their previous lives. Within hours of their abductions, the Welker's house had mysteriously burnt to the ground, the Saunders girl's car had been destroyed in a fiery crash, and Brynn had simply vanished. With the resources and connections available, PPC had no problem making all of these events appear legitimate.

During those initial weeks of treatment, the subjects were all isolated from each other. The genetic manipulations took time, but slowly progress was being made. Nanobots created the changes on a cellular level, reworking genetic code from the ground up, so to speak. Accelerated cellular growth was a component of the technology used to facilitate these changes. It was what had made Amy's tits grow, and Brynn's cock. That had been just the beginning, though.

Dr. Opper had been intrigued with Arlene. Her feisty spirit excited him, and he decided on some appropriate modifications for her. First he had dictated that her breasts would be enlarged. Using the same formula that Amy had taken, Opper increased the dosage and accelerated the growth. There was the matter of her potentially dangerous, aggressive behavior, so he had the doctors inject her with an experimental mind-altering drug. The drug basically induced a feeling of calm and compliance. Arlene had been told that she was going to be given the drug, despite her protests and swears. It took a few days for the effects to take hold, but when they did, Arlene was as passive as a kitten.

Suzanne visited her the first day Arlene was allowed to be unrestrained. Entering Arlene's room, Suzanne saw her sitting in a chair, looking out the window. There were no bar