The Three Maidens of the Southern Gold Pagoda (book 2) Part Two

Story by fiddlesticks



By some asshole named "Fiddlesticks"

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: this is a work of fiction. Any similarity between anyone or anything alive or dead, destroyed or standing is a total coincidence.

This is Part Two of Three of Book Two, otherwise known as "the one with futa in it." Part Three will be along very shortly, although I won't set myself up for failure by naming a date. But I will say this: it'll be very soon, as way of apology for the lack of nookie in this episode. Really, it's done, but I wanna put the last few touches on it before I put you people through it.

Part One can be found HERE, in case it disappears...

Please enjoy...


The courtyard of the Imperial Palace in Osaka, capital city of the Yamato province was gigantic. At the head of the courtyard, on an elevated dais, the Emperor of Japan, Tenno Yoshika, sat in his ceremonial dress robes, surrounded by his closest advisors. The buildings on every side of the courtyard were filled with a total of exactly one thousand troops, each representing a year the people of Japan hoped Yoshika-sama would reign over them. Or so he'd been told.

Yoshika-sama had recently begun referring to himself as Sumeramikoto, which meant "Heavenly Ruler Above the Clouds," a term he'd invented after hearing stories about the first emperor of China who claimed to rule "tian xia," or "all under heaven." He'd liked the sound of that.

Nowadays he mostly made people call him that because it reminded them that, well, that he could make them call him that.

It also helped his self-image, though he was reluctant to admit it. Tenno Yoshika was the runt of the litter and it had always soured him that he wasn't as brutishly strong as his brothers. He had his mother's good looks and his father's ambition, though, which helped him along when he'd murdered his two older brothers, ensuring he would be next in line for the throne. He was a military and political genius and he knew it, and the gallons of blood that had been spilled as he worked his way up to the throne never actually touched his lilly-white skin. He'd left his younger brother and sister alive, even though he had little doubt that they sometimes dreamed of how they'd look on his throne. Nevertheless, he kept handy a few vials of poison with their names on it. He couldn't feel bad about that, though: it was pretty much expected of royalty those days. Plus he was pretty sure most of it had been his mother's idea. Poor mother... How sad he'd been to see her shut up in that asylum... But, hey. Tradition.

Sure, he broke a few of the usual customs when it came to the way an Emperor should behave, but he did it just to show that he could. For example, he