The Joy of Milk

Story by Auyvex

Here's my second story I did, Pokemon fanfic. It's only two parts and I never got around to finishing part three (my computer fucked up, I ran out of ideas, etc). I'm thinking of finishing this up sometime next week.

The Joy of Milk

Part 1

by Auyvex

Ash was exhausted out of his mind. He had been traveling in the nearby

mountains for a whole week now, camping out in the open and looking for

Pokemon at every chance he got. He and his Pokemon were both tired, and

so Ash decided that it was the best idea to go back into town to rest

up. He needed to head off to the next city anyways, and browsing

through the woods wasn't helping.

Ash and his Pokemon had set to spend the night at the local Pokecenter.

This certain center was one of the most popular of the Pokecenters, as

there they made a popular drink called 'PokeMilk', which was a special

drink that both humans and Pokemon could drink to regain health. The

drink had been selling like crazy since it went on sale a year earlier,

and what seemed like an effect to crush competition, the type of

Pokemon the milk came from had never been released to the public.

As Ash sat in his room for the night while pouring some PokeMilk for

Pikachu, a knock came on his door, and in walked Nurse Joy.

"Ash, your Pokemon are now resting in the chambers," she said.

"T..hanks," Ash yawned.

"Hey, you look tired. Why don't you have some of the PokeMilk? It'll

help you sleep."

"No, thanks," Ash replied, "I don't really like it. But my Pokemon love


"...Oh," Joy said, "Well, have a good night's sleep then. The kitchen

has some PokeMilk in the fridge if you change your mind."

Joy closed the door behind her, and gave a big sigh as she walked down

the hallway.

"I don't get it," she thought to herself, "Everyone's addicted to

PokeMilk! Ash is the first person I've met it doesn't like it. I guess

not everyone likes it," she shrugged as she grabbed the keys to head

out to the PokeMilk factory next door.

Ash couldn't fall asleep. It was 1 AM, and here he was just trying to

get a wink. He slammed his head against the pillow. Groaning, Ash was

trying to think of any last resort to help him sleep.

He then remembered that there was some PokeMilk in the kitchen. But

wait... that stuff was kinda rigid. It's not that it was bad, but it

didn't sit so well with his stomach. But, if it helped him sleep, maybe

he could find a use for it.

Ash got out of bed, and slumped his way towards the Pokecenter's

kitchen. Opening the door to the kitchen, Ash entered inside the small

room. He spotted the small fridge that contained PokeMilk on the

counter, and opened it. There were several empty jars and jugs, but no

PokeMilk. "Oh, hell," he thought, "Right when I need it, it's gone."

Ash was about to walk back out when some footsteps approached the

kitchen. It was Nurse Joy holding a tray of PokeMilk bottles and... her

tits were hanging out!

Within a few steps, Joy looked up and saw Ash, and in a pani